1. 破裂的;裂开的
- 形容物体表面出现裂缝或破损的状态。
- The vase fell off the table and cracked into several pieces.(花瓶从桌子上掉下来,破裂成几块。)
- She had a cracked tooth and needed to see a dentist.(她有一颗龋齿,需要看牙医。)
2. 精神错乱的;精神崩溃的
- 形容人的心智或精神状态出现问题。
- After years of addiction, he was a cracked and broken man.(多年的瘾症后,他是一个精神崩溃的人。)
- The trauma left her feeling emotionally cracked.(那次创伤使她感觉精神错乱。)
1. 裂纹;细缝
- 指物体表面的裂痕或细小的裂缝。
- There is a crack in the windshield of my car.(我的车挡风玻璃上有一道裂纹。)
- The old house had cracks in the walls.(这座老房子的墙上有裂缝。)
2. 裂缝声;爆裂声
- 指由物体破裂或爆炸引起的声音。
- The loud crack of thunder scared the children.(巨大的雷声吓到了孩子们。)
- He heard a crack coming from the engine of his car.(他听到引擎发出的爆裂声。)
crack, fracture, break的区别:
- crack常指出现细小的裂缝或破损,程度较轻。
- fracture形容严重的断裂,通常指骨折或物体完全断裂。
- break指物体因外力作用而断裂,程度可轻可重。
1. crack down on:严厉打击,制止
例句:The government is cracking down on illegal activities.(政府正在严厉打击非法活动。)
2. crack up:崩溃,嘲笑
- The pressure finally caused him to crack up.(压力最终导致他崩溃了。)
- The audience cracked up at the comedian's jokes.(观众对喜剧演员的笑话笑得前仰后合。)
1. broken:破碎的
2. fractured:断裂的
3. split:劈开的
4. damaged:损坏的
1. intact:完好无损的
2. unbroken:未破碎的
3. undamaged:未受损的
cracked (adjective)
1. If something is cracked, it is damaged with one or more thin lines on its surface, but it is not completely broken.
2. If someone is cracked, they have mental health problems.
3. A cracked voice is high and unpleasant.
cracked (adjective)
1. Having a thin line or lines on the surface.
2. (Of a person) mentally unbalanced or insane.
3. (Of a voice) harsh and showing signs of strain.
1. The windshield was cracked in the accident.
2. She has a cracked tooth that needs to be fixed.
3. The old vase is cracked and no longer holds water.
4. He's been acting strangely lately, like he's cracked.
- The ice on the pond began to crack under their weight.(他们的重量使池塘上的冰开始破裂。)
- She tried to open the door, but the handle cracked in her hand.(她试图打开门,却发现门把在她手中断裂了。)
- The detective's cracked mind made it difficult for him to solve the case.(侦探扭曲的思维使他难以解决这个案件。)
- He spoke with a cracked voice after screaming at the concert.(在音乐会上尖叫之后,他的声音变得沙哑。)
- The earthquake caused the walls of the building to crack.(地震导致建筑物的墙壁出现裂缝。)
- Her phone screen was cracked when it fell on the ground.(她的手机屏幕在掉落到地上时破裂了。)
- The cracked mirror reflected a distorted image.(破裂的镜子反射出扭曲的影像。)
- He tried to fix the cracked vase with glue, but it didn't hold.(他试图用胶水修补破裂的花瓶,但没有粘住。)
- The comedian's jokes had the audience cracking up with laughter.(喜剧演员的笑话让观众笑得前仰后合。)
- She couldn't handle the pressure and eventually cracked up.(她无法承受压力,最终崩溃了。)
- The cracked pavement posed a tripping hazard.(破裂的人行道构成了一个绊倒的危险。)
- His voice cracked with emotion as he delivered the speech.(他的声音因为情感而颤抖,当他发表演讲时。)
- The vase fell off the table and cracked into several pieces.(花瓶从桌子上掉下来,破裂成几块。)
- She had a cracked tooth and needed to see a dentist.(她有一颗龋齿,需要看牙医。)
- After years of addiction, he was a cracked and broken man.(多年的瘾症后,他是一个精神崩溃的人。)
- The trauma left her feeling emotionally cracked.(那次创伤使她感觉精神错乱。)
- There is a crack in the windshield of my car.(我的车挡风玻璃上有一道裂纹。)
- The old house had cracks in the walls.(这座老房子的墙上有裂缝。)
- The loud crack of thunder scared the children.(巨大的雷声吓到了孩子们。)
- He heard a crack coming from the engine of his car.(他听到引擎发出的爆裂声。)