形容词 (Adjective)
1. 忽视的;不理睬的
2. 无视的;不顾的
1. ignore(动词):忽视,不理睬
2. ignorance(名词):无知,愚昧
3. ignorant(形容词):无知的,愚昧的
4. ignoramus(名词):无知的人,笨蛋
disregarding, overlooking
acknowledging, recognizing, paying attention to
名词 (Noun)
1. 不予理睬;被忽视的状态
2. 忽视某人或某事的行为
柯林斯词典 (Collins Dictionary)
ignoring (Adjective): Failing to take notice of or pay attention to someone or something.
ignoring (Noun): The action of disregarding or not paying attention to someone or something.
牛津词典 (Oxford Dictionary)
ignoring (Adjective): Refusing to take notice of or acknowledge someone or something.
ignoring (Noun): The action of disregarding or not considering someone or something.
用法 (Usage)
1. She kept ignoring my messages and calls, which made me feel upset. (她一直忽视我的信息和电话,让我感到沮丧。)
2. The teacher was disappointed by the students' ignoring of his instructions. (老师对学生们对他的指示不予理睬感到失望。)
3. Despite the warnings, the driver continued driving while ignoring the traffic signs. (尽管有警告,司机仍然无视交通标志继续驾驶。)
4. The boss criticized his employee for ignoring the company's rules and regulations. (老板批评员工忽视公司的规章制度。)
5. They were ignoring the fact that their actions had consequences. (他们无视自己的行为会产生后果这个事实。)
6. The child felt ignored by his parents, as they were always busy and never paid attention to him. (这个孩子觉得被父母忽视了,因为他们总是很忙,从不关注他。)
7. Despite the noise and distractions, she managed to concentrate on her work, ignoring everything around her. (尽管有噪音和干扰,她设法专注于工作,忽视周围的一切。)
8. The company's decision to ignore customer feedback resulted in a decrease in sales. (公司忽视客户反馈的决策导致销售额下降。)
9. The professor was frustrated by the students' ignoring of his lectures and not taking notes. (教授对学生们对他的讲座不予理睬并不记笔记感到沮丧。)
10. Ignoring the warning signs, he proceeded with his plan, which ultimately led to failure. (他无视警示信号,继续执行他的计划,最终导致失败。)
11. The book provides insights into the consequences of ignoring climate change. (这本书提供了忽视气候变化后果的深刻见解。)
12. Despite the criticism, she remained focused and ignored the negative comments. (尽管受到批评,她仍然专注并忽略了负面评论。)
13. Ignoring the advice of her friends, she pursued her dreams and became a successful entrepreneur. (她忽视朋友的建议,追求自己的梦想,成为一名成功的企业家。)
14. The government's decision to ignore the needs of the marginalized communities resulted in widespread protests. (政府忽视边缘化社区的需求的决定导致了广泛的抗议。)
15. The company is facing financial difficulties due to its ignoring of market trends and consumer demands. (由于忽视市场趋势和消费者需求,该公司面临着财务困难。)
16. Ignoring the warning signs of burnout can have serious consequences for one's mental and physical health. (忽视过劳的警告信号可能对一个人的身心健康产生严重影响。)
17. He deliberately ignored her presence, pretending not to notice her. (他故意忽视她的存在,假装没有注意到她。)
18. The manager reprimanded the employee for ignoring the safety protocols, which could have led to a serious accident. (经理训斥员工忽视安全规程,可能导致严重事故。)
19. Ignoring the advice of experts, the government implemented a policy that had negative consequences for the economy. (政府忽视专家的建议,实施了对经济产生负面影响的政策。)
20. The child's misbehavior was a result of feeling ignored and seeking attention. (孩子的不良行为是因为感到被忽视并寻求关注。)