chubby [ˈtʃʌbi]
- 胖乎乎的;圆胖的
- 丰满的;肥胖的
chubby [ˈtʃʌbi]
- 圆胖的人
- chubbiness [ˈtʃʌbɪnəs]:胖乎乎的状态
- chubbily [ˈtʃʌbɪli]:胖乎乎地;圆胖地
- chubbiness [ˈtʃʌbɪniːs]:胖乎乎的特征
- plump [plʌmp]:丰满的
- round [raʊnd]:圆胖的
- thin [θɪn]:瘦的
- slim [slɪm]:苗条的
chubby:If you describe someone as chubby, you mean that they are rather fat in a way that people usually find attractive.
chubby:(Of a person or their body) plump and rounded.
- She has a chubby face and dimples when she smiles.(她有个圆圆的脸,笑起来还有酒窝。)
- The baby's chubby hands reached out for the toy.(婴儿胖乎乎的小手伸向玩具。)
- He was a chubby child, but he grew up to be tall and slim.(他小时候很胖乎乎,但长大后变得又高又瘦。)
- She has a chubby face and dimples when she smiles.(她有个圆圆的脸,笑起来还有酒窝。)
- The baby's chubby hands reached out for the toy.(婴儿胖乎乎的小手伸向玩具。)
- He was a chubby child, but he grew up to be tall and slim.(他小时候很胖乎乎,但长大后变得又高又瘦。)
- The chubby baby giggled as his mother tickled his tummy.(胖乎乎的婴儿在妈妈捏他的小肚子时笑了起来。)
- I used to be chubby when I was younger, but I lost weight as I got older.(我年轻时曾经胖乎乎的,但随着年龄的增长我瘦了下来。)
- The chubby cheeks of the little girl were irresistible to pinch.(小女孩胖乎乎的脸颊让人忍不住想捏一下。)
- The chubby toddler waddled across the room, his diaper sagging with his weight.(胖乎乎的幼儿蹒跚走过房间,尿布因体重而下垂。)
- She has always been self-conscious about her chubby fingers.(她一直对自己胖胖的手指感到不自在。)
- Despite his chubby appearance, he was surprisingly agile on the dance floor.(尽管他看起来很胖乎乎,但在舞池上他却出奇地灵活。)
- The chubby boy struggled to squeeze into the small swing.(胖乎乎的男孩费力地挤进小秋千里。)
- His chubby cheeks turned rosy from the cold wind.(寒风让他胖乎乎的脸颊变得红扑扑的。)
- The little girl had a chubby belly that jiggled when she laughed.(小女孩有一个胖乎乎的肚子,笑起来会晃动。)
- She loved to cuddle her chubby baby brother.(她喜欢抱着胖乎乎的弟弟。)
- His chubby fingers struggled to button up his shirt.(他胖乎乎的手指费力地扣上衬衫。)
- The chubby puppy rolled around in the grass, wagging its tail.(胖乎乎的小狗在草地上打滚,摇着尾巴。)
- She had a chubby face with rosy cheeks.(她有个胖乎乎的脸,脸颊红润。)
- The chubby baby tried to crawl but kept falling on his chubby bottom.(胖乎乎的婴儿试着爬行,但总是摔到胖胖的小屁股上。)
- He was embarrassed by his chubby thighs and avoided wearing shorts.(他因为自己胖胖的大腿而感到尴尬,避免穿短裤。)
- The chubby squirrel stuffed its cheeks with nuts for the winter.(胖乎乎的松鼠把坚果塞满腮帮子,准备过冬。)
- The baby's chubby arms reached out to be picked up.(婴儿胖乎乎的胳膊伸出来要人抱。)
- She had a chubby face that made her look younger than her actual age.(她有个胖乎乎的脸,让她看起来比实际年龄年轻。)