1. 紧密的;结实的
2. 带有条纹的
3. (音乐)乐团的;乐队的
1. 带子;绷带
2. (光、声等的)波段
3. 团体;组织
4. 帮派;团伙
5. (尤指金属)环
6. 条纹
7. 一束(人、物)
8. (尤指军队的)乐队
1. band:一般指乐队,特别是流行音乐、摇滚乐的乐团。
2. group:一般指一起工作、学习或旅行的人组成的小团体。
3. team:一般指为共同的目标而组成的协作团队。
4. crew:一般指为共同完成某项任务而组成的工作人员。
1. wedding band:婚戒
2. brass band:铜管乐队
3. rubber band:橡皮筋
4. resistance band:阻力带
5. headband:头带
6. wristband:手带
7. sweatband:吸汗带
8. bandage:绷带
1. group
2. ensemble
3. orchestra
4. choir
5. crew
1. solo
2. individual
1. 名词
a group of musicians who play modern music together
例句:An up-and-coming band from Manchester.
2. 名词
a range of frequencies or wavelengths between two limits
例句:...the FM band.
3. 名词
a strip of material used for tying or binding things together
例句:...a band of gold.
4. 名词
a group of people who have joined together because they share the same interest or hobby
例句:...a band of smugglers.
5. 名词
a thin flat strip of material, especially metal or plastic
例句:...a rubber band.
6. 名词
a small group of people who are closely connected, especially one that disagrees with the views of the majority of people
例句:...a band of protesters.
7. 名词
a group of musicians who play brass and percussion instruments
例句:He played in a marching band.
8. 动词
to tie something with a band
例句:He reached into his pocket and banded a bundle of money.
9. 动词
to form or join a group, especially in order to do something illegal or harmful
例句:They banded together to form a trade union.
1. 名词
a flat, thin strip or loop of material used to bind, fasten, or secure something
例句:a rubber band
2. 名词
a range of frequencies or wavelengths in a spectrum (especially that of radio waves)
例句:the FM band
3. 名词
a stripe or stripes of contrasting color on a plant, animal, or object
例句:a band of gold
4. 名词
a group of musicians who play brass and percussion instruments and march together
例句:a marching band
5. 名词
a group of people who have a common interest or purpose
例句:a band of outlaws
6. 动词
tie or fasten (something) with a band
例句:he banded the bundle of notes together
7. 动词
join together to form a group or alliance
例句:trade unions banded together to oppose the plans
1. band as a noun
2. band as a verb