形容词 (Adjective)
名词 (Noun)
ban 和 prohibition 都表示禁止,但 ban 通常指由当局、政府或团体实施的正式禁令,而 prohibition 则更常用于法律上的禁止。
banish: 放逐,流放
bandit: 强盗
bandwagon: 潮流,(政治上)随大溜
prohibit: 禁止
forbid: 禁止
restrict: 限制
allow: 允许
permit: 允许
柯林斯词典 (Collins Dictionary)
ban (n.): An official order that prevents something from being done or used.
ban (v.): To forbid, esp officially, something, such as a book, play, etc.
牛津词典 (Oxford Dictionary)
ban (n.): An official or legal prohibition.
ban (v.): Officially or legally prohibit.
1. The government bans smoking in all public buildings. (政府禁止在所有公共建筑内吸烟。)
2. The school has a ban on mobile phones. (学校禁止使用手机。)
3. The baneful effects of pollution on the environment are well-known. (污染对环境的有害影响是众所周知的。)
4. The banished prince lived in exile for many years. (被放逐的王子流亡多年。)
1. The government bans the sale of cigarettes to minors. (政府禁止向未成年人销售香烟。)
2. The city council has imposed a ban on plastic bags. (市议会对塑料袋实施了禁令。)
3. The banishment of the criminal was seen as a just punishment. (将罪犯放逐被视为公正的惩罚。)
4. She was banished from the kingdom for her treachery. (因为她的背叛,她被放逐出王国。)
5. The banjo is a popular instrument in folk music. (班卓琴是民间音乐中的一种流行乐器。)
6. The band played a lively tune at the concert. (乐队在音乐会上演奏了一支欢快的曲子。)
7. The prohibition on alcohol during the 1920s led to the rise of organized crime. (在20世纪20年代的禁酒令导致了有组织犯罪的兴起。)
8. The teacher forbids talking during exams. (老师禁止考试期间说话。)
9. The new law restricts the use of plastic packaging. (新法律限制了塑料包装的使用。)
10. The government allows citizens to protest peacefully. (政府允许公民进行和平抗议。)
11. The school permits students to bring their own laptops. (学校允许学生携带自己的笔记本电脑。)
12. The baneful influence of negative role models can be harmful to young people. (负面榜样的有害影响对年轻人是有害的。)
13. The banned book was considered too controversial for public consumption. (这本被禁书因为太具争议而不适合公众阅读。)
14. The bandwagon effect caused many people to join the popular movement. (随大溜的效应使得许多人加入了这一流行运动。)
15. The bandit stole all the money and escaped into the woods. (强盗偷走了全部的钱财并逃进了树林。)
16. The musician played a catchy tune on his banjo. (音乐家用班卓琴演奏了一支动听的曲调。)
17. The band performed at the music festival. (乐队在音乐节上表演。)
18. The government has imposed a ban on single-use plastics. (政府对一次性塑料制品实施了禁令。)
19. The ban on smoking in restaurants has improved air quality. (在餐厅禁止吸烟的禁令改善了空气质量。)
20. The banishment of the criminal led to a decrease in crime rates. (罪犯的放逐导致犯罪率下降。)