slid (滑动): Slid is the past tense and past participle of slide.
slide (滑动): If you slide somewhere, you move there smoothly over or against a surface, while continuing to touch it.
slid (滑动): Past tense and past participle of slide.
slide (滑动): Move smoothly along a surface while maintaining continuous contact with it.
1. She slid down the hill on her sled. (她坐着雪橇从山上滑下来。)
2. The child slid across the icy pond. (孩子在冰上的池塘上滑行。)
3. He slid into the room unnoticed. (他悄悄地溜进了房间。)
4. The car slid on the wet road. (汽车在湿滑的路上打滑。)
5. The economy experienced a slide in the last quarter. (经济在上个季度出现了下滑。)
6. He went down the slide at the playground. (他在游乐场上玩滑梯。)
7. The dancer's graceful slide across the stage captivated the audience. (舞者在舞台上优雅地滑动,吸引了观众的注意。)
8. The hockey player slid the puck into the net. (曲棍球运动员将冰球滑入球网。)
1. The snake slid silently through the grass. (蛇在草丛中悄无声息地滑行。)
2. He slid the book across the table to her. (他将书沿着桌子推给了她。)
3. The child slid down the banister. (孩子沿着栏杆滑下去。)
4. The car slid on the icy road and crashed into a tree. (汽车在冰雪覆盖的路面上打滑,撞上了一棵树。)
5. She slid the key into the lock and turned it. (她将钥匙插入锁孔并拧动了一下。)
6. The skater slid gracefully across the ice. (滑冰者在冰面上优雅地滑行。)
7. The little boy climbed up the ladder and slid down the slide. (小男孩爬上了梯子,从滑梯上滑下来。)
8. The skier slid down the mountain slope. (滑雪者从山坡上滑下来。)
9. He slid the document under the door. (他将文件从门下面滑了进去。)
10. The baseball player slid into home plate. (棒球选手滑行进入本垒板。)
11. The coin slid out of his hand and rolled under the couch. (硬币从他的手中滑出来,在沙发底下滚动。)
12. The skater slid to a stop at the edge of the rink. (滑冰者滑行到溜冰场边缘停下来。)
13. The little girl slid down the slide and giggled with joy. (小女孩从滑梯上滑下来,高兴地咯咯笑着。)
14. The car slid off the road and into a ditch. (汽车打滑离开了道路,滑进了一个水沟。)
15. The football player slid into the end zone for a touchdown. (橄榄球运动员滑行进入终区得分。)
16. The rain made the pavement slippery, causing pedestrians to slide. (雨水使人行道变得湿滑,导致行人滑倒。)
17. The ball slid past the goalkeeper and into the net. (球从门将身边滑过,进入了球网。)
18. She slid the note into her pocket without anyone noticing. (她把便条偷偷地塞进口袋里,没被任何人注意到。)
19. The skier slid down the slope with great speed. (滑雪者以极快的速度滑下坡面。)
20. The child climbed up the ladder and slid down the fireman's pole. (孩子爬上梯子,从消防员杆上滑下来。)