1. decorating
英 [ˈdekəreɪtɪŋ] 美 [ˈdɛkəˌreɪtɪŋ]
1. decorating
英 [ˈdekəreɪtɪŋ] 美 [ˈdɛkəˌreɪtɪŋ]
decorate 和 beautify
这两个词都可以表示“装饰”,但decorate 更常用,强调给某物增添美观,强调装饰的过程,而 beautify 强调通过装饰来使某物变得美观,更强调结果。
1. If you decorate something such as a room or a birthday cake, you make it more attractive by adding things to it.
2. If you decorate your house or a room in your house, you paint, wallpaper, and put new furniture in it to make it look attractive.
1. Make (something) look more attractive by adding ornament or color to it.
2. Confer a mark of distinction on (a serviceman or servicewoman) by ceremonially presenting them with a medal.
1. decorating with sth: 用某物装饰
2. decorating for sth: 为某事装饰
- We spent the weekend decorating the living room. 我们花了周末装修客厅。
- She is good at decorating cakes. 她擅长装饰蛋糕。
- They are decorating their new home. 他们正在装修新房。
- The decorating process took longer than expected. 装修过程比预期的时间长。
- The decorating of the reception hall was exquisite. 接待厅的装饰非常精美。
- The decorating of the Christmas tree is a family tradition. 装饰圣诞树是家族传统。
- She loves decorating her house for the holidays. 她喜欢在节日期间装饰房子。
- The room was decorated in shades of blue. 房间以蓝色为主进行装饰。
- They hired a professional to decorate their wedding venue. 他们请了位专业人士来装饰他们的婚礼场地。
- He was decorated for his bravery in battle. 他因在战斗中的勇敢而被授予勋章。
- The room was sparsely decorated, giving it a minimalist feel. 房间装饰简单,给人一种极简的感觉。
- They are decorating the town square with lights for the holiday season. 他们正在市中心广场上装饰节日彩灯。
- She decorated the cake with icing and sprinkles. 她用糖霜和彩糖装饰了蛋糕。
- He was decorated with the highest military honor. 他被授予最高军事荣誉。
- The shop is decorated in a retro style. 这家商店以复古风格装饰。
- The decorations for the party were colorful and festive. 派对的装饰品色彩鲜艳,富有节日气氛。
- She has a talent for decorating and creating beautiful spaces. 她有装饰和打造美丽空间的天赋。
- He received a decoration for his outstanding contribution to the field of science. 他因为在科学领域做出的杰出贡献而获得了奖章。
- The decorative pillows added a touch of elegance to the room. 装饰性的靠垫给房间增添了一丝优雅。
- She enjoys collecting decorative objects from different cultures. 她喜欢收集来自不同文化的装饰物品。
- The decorative pattern on the wallpaper adds visual interest to the room. 壁纸上的装饰图案给房间增添了视觉趣味。