1. mythic /ˈmɪθɪk/:神话的,神话般的
2. mythical /ˈmɪθɪkəl/:神话的,虚构的
1. myth /mɪθ/:神话
2. legend /ˈlɛdʒənd/:传说
3. fable /ˈfeɪbəl/:寓言
4. folklore /ˈfoʊklɔr/:民间传说
1. myth与legend:两者都指传统的故事,但myth更强调与神话相关,而legend更侧重于英雄传说。
2. myth与fable:两者都是关于超自然现象的故事,但myth是宗教或神话的一部分,而fable是以教训为目的的寓言。
mythology /mɪθˈɑlədʒi/:神话学
mythological /ˌmɪθəˈlɑdʒɪkəl/:神话的
mythologize /ˈmɪθəˌlɑdʒaɪz/:将...神话化
mythopoeic /ˌmɪθəˈpiɪk/:神话创造的
1. story /ˈstɔri/:故事
2. tale /teɪl/:故事
3. narrative /ˈnærətɪv/:叙事
1. reality /riˈæləti/:现实
2. fact /fækt/:事实
myth (noun): A myth is a well-known story which was made up in the past to explain natural events or to justify religious beliefs or social customs.
例句:In Greek myth, Apollo was the god of light.
myth (noun): A traditional story, especially one which explains the early history of a group of people or some natural or social phenomenon, and typically involving gods or supernatural beings.
例句:The ancient Greeks believed in many myths about gods and heroes.
1. It is just a myth that cats always land on their feet.
2. The legend of King Arthur has been passed down through generations.
3. Aesop's fables often teach moral lessons through animal characters.
- Mythology is the study of myths and legends.(神话学是研究神话和传说的学科。)
- Many cultures have their own creation myths.(许多文化都有自己的创世神话。)
- According to myth, the gods lived on Mount Olympus.(根据神话,众神居住在奥林匹斯山上。)
- She believes that the Loch Ness Monster is just a myth.(她认为尼斯湖水怪只是一个神话。)
- These ancient myths have been passed down for centuries.(这些古老的神话已传承数百年。)
- The mythological creatures in the story captivated the readers.(故事中的神话生物吸引了读者。)
- He enjoys reading fables and learning the morals they convey.(他喜欢阅读寓言并学习它们传达的道德。)
- The folklore of this region is rich in tales of ghosts and spirits.(这个地区的民间传说中有许多关于鬼魂和精灵的故事。)
- Don't believe everything you hear – some stories are just myths.(不要相信你听到的一切 - 有些故事只是神话。)
- He is known for his ability to mythologize even the most mundane events.(他以将最平凡的事件神话化而闻名。)
- The ancient Egyptians had a mythopoeic culture, with gods and goddesses intertwined with daily life.(古埃及人有着神话创造性的文化,众神与日常生活交织在一起。)
- The story of Cinderella has become a beloved myth across cultures.(灰姑娘的故事已经成为跨越文化的受人喜爱的神话。)
- The children were captivated by the teacher's mythic storytelling.(孩子们被老师的神话故事吸引住了。)
- As a writer, she draws inspiration from ancient myths and legends.(作为一名作家,她从古老的神话和传说中汲取灵感。)
- The myth of Pandora's box warns of the consequences of curiosity.(潘多拉之盒的神话警示人们好奇心的后果。)
- The mythological characters in this novel come alive on the pages.(这本小说中的神话人物在纸上栩栩如生。)
- The legend of Robin Hood has been retold in countless books and movies.(罗宾汉的传说在无数本书和电影中被重新讲述。)
- Many traditional myths were used to explain natural phenomena.(许多传统神话被用来解释自然现象。)
- The folklore of Ireland is filled with stories of fairies and leprechauns.(爱尔兰的民间传说中充满了关于仙女和小矮人的故事。)
- The myth of Atlantis tells the story of a lost civilization beneath the sea.(亚特兰蒂斯的神话讲述了一个失落在海底的文明的故事。)
- According to Greek mythology, Zeus was the king of the gods.(根据希腊神话,宙斯是众神之王。)