authorized: 被授权的,经过授权的
unauthorized: 未经授权的,未经批准的
authorization: 授权,批准
authorizer: 授权人,批准人
- permission: 指获得允许或许可进行某种行动的权利,强调获得许可或同意。
- approval: 指对某事表示同意、赞成或认可,强调通过一定程度的审核或评估后,对某事的正式认可。
- consent: 指对某事表示同意或许可,强调个人或组织的自愿行为。
- authorize (动词): 授权,批准
- unauthorize (动词): 未经授权,未经批准
- authorization code (名词): 授权码
- authorization letter (名词): 授权信
- authorization form (名词): 授权表格
- permission
- consent
- approval
- sanction
- license
- prohibition
- denial
- restriction
- ban
- forbid
Authorization is the process or an instance of giving someone official permission to do something.
The action of authorizing something or someone, or the state of being authorized.
- The manager granted authorization for the employee to access confidential files.
- You need to obtain proper authorization before making any changes to the system.
- The bookstore requires authorization from the publisher to sell their books.
- Only individuals with authorization can enter the restricted area.
- She signed the authorization letter to allow her assistant to sign documents on her behalf.
- The government issued an authorization allowing the construction of a new airport.
- The bank requires written authorization from the account holder to release funds. 银行要求账户持有人书面授权才能解冻资金。
- Only employees with proper authorization are allowed to access the confidential database. 只有持有适当授权的员工才能访问机密数据库。
- The company's policy requires all expenses to be approved by authorization before reimbursement. 公司政策要求所有费用在报销前经过授权批准。
- The authorized personnel have access to classified information. 获得授权的人员可以访问机密信息。
- The unauthorized entry into the building resulted in immediate dismissal. 未经授权进入建筑物导致立即解雇。
- She is the authorizer responsible for granting or denying access to the system. 她是负责授权或拒绝系统访问的授权人。
- The police officer asked for my authorization to search the vehicle. 警官要求我授权他搜查车辆。
- The authorization form needs to be completed and submitted before the deadline. 授权表格需要在截止日期前填写并提交。
- He received authorization to represent the company in the negotiation. 他获得了代表公司进行谈判的授权。
- The company's authorization code is required to access the online services. 访问在线服务需要输入公司的授权码。
- We are still waiting for authorization from the higher authorities to proceed with the project. 我们仍在等待上级机构的授权,以便继续进行该项目。
- The authorization letter allows the recipient to collect the package on behalf of the sender. 授权信允许收件人代表寄件人领取包裹。
- Without proper authorization, you will not be able to enter the restricted area. 如果没有适当的授权,您将无法进入限制区域。
- The company's CEO personally gave his authorization for the project to proceed. 公司首席执行官亲自批准项目继续进行。
- She had to provide authorization for the credit card transaction to be processed. 她必须提供授权以便处理信用卡交易。
- The authorization process may take up to two business days. 授权过程可能需要长达两个工作日。
- The employee violated company policy by accessing confidential information without authorization. 该员工未经授权访问机密信息,违反了公司政策。
- The manager's authorization is required to make changes to the project timeline. 需要经理的授权才能对项目时间表进行更改。
- The authorization was granted, allowing the company to use the patented technology. 授权已经获得,允许公司使用该项专利技术。
- The company implemented a new authorization system to enhance security measures. 公司实施了一个新的授权系统,以加强安全措施。