1. 预言、预示;预言书
2. 预言者、先知;预言能力
1. prophecy: 指通过超自然的方式,预示未来的事件或命运。
2. prediction: 较一般,指根据已有的事实、趋势或科学研究等,做出的未来发展的预测。
3. forecast: 较正式,指对未来天气、经济、趋势等的预测。
4. foretelling: 指通过观察、推理或猜测等方法,预测未来的事件或情况。
1. self-fulfilling prophecy: 自我实现的预言
2. false prophecy: 错误的预言
3. ancient prophecy: 古老的预言
4. biblical prophecy: 圣经预言
prediction, forecast, prognostication
denial, disbelief
prophecy (noun)
1. A prophecy is a statement in which someone says that they strongly believe that a particular thing will happen.
2. Prophecy is the ability that some people have to say what will happen in the future.
prophecy (noun)
1. A prediction of what will happen in the future.
2. The faculty, function, or practice of prophesying.
1. The prophecy came true and the city was destroyed.
2. She possesses the gift of prophecy and has accurately predicted several events.
3. According to ancient prophecies, a great leader will emerge during troubled times.
4. Many people are skeptical about the validity of prophecies.
5. The prophecy of doom caused panic among the townspeople.
- The prophecy was fulfilled exactly as it had been foretold. (这个预言完全按照所预告的实现了。)
- Her prophecies about the future have always been accurate. (她对未来的预言一直很准确。)
- According to the prophecy, a hero will rise to save the kingdom. (根据这个预言,一个英雄将会崛起拯救王国。)
- The prophet's prophecy was met with skepticism by the crowd. (先知的预言遭到了人群的怀疑。)
- The prophecy of doom spread fear throughout the land. (灾难的预言在整个国家传播,引起了恐慌。)
- His prophecy came true, and the country faced a period of turmoil. (他的预言应验了,国家进入了动荡的时期。)
- She has the gift of prophecy and can foresee future events. (她有预知未来事件的能力。)
- The prophecy was recorded in an ancient manuscript. (这个预言被记录在一份古老的手稿中。)
- The prophecy foretold the rise and fall of the empire. (这个预言预示了帝国的兴衰。)
- They turned to the prophecy for guidance during difficult times. (在困难时期,他们求助于这个预言。)
- His prophecies were dismissed as mere speculation. (他的预言被认为只是纯粹的猜测。)
- Despite his reputation as a prophet, his prophecies were often vague and open to interpretation. (尽管他有先知的声誉,但他的预言常常含糊不清,可以理解多种解释。)
- The prophecy was passed down through generations. (这个预言世代相传。)
- The prophecy was fulfilled when the chosen one defeated the evil sorcerer. (当被选中的人打败邪恶的巫师时,预言得以实现。)
- The prophecy was seen as a warning of impending disaster. (这个预言被视为一种即将到来的灾难的警告。)
- He made a prophecy that the team would win the championship, and it came true. (他预言球队会赢得冠军,而这个预言成真了。)
- Some people believe that Nostradamus' prophecies have accurately predicted major historical events. (一些人相信诺斯特拉达姆斯的预言准确地预测了重大历史事件。)
- The villagers were hopeful that the prophecy of a bountiful harvest would come true. (村民们满怀希望,希望丰收的预言会成真。)
- She consulted the prophecy before making any important decisions. (她在做出重要决定之前咨询了这个预言。)
- The prophecy remained a mystery until the final moments of the story. (这个预言直到故事的最后时刻才揭开谜底。)