1. 瘀青的(用于描述皮肤上的伤痕)2. 受伤的(用于描述身体或感情上的伤害)
1. 瘀伤,淤血(皮肤或组织受到撞击或挤压后出现的伤痕)2. 伤痕,创伤(身体或心理上的损伤)
bruise vs. contusion:两者均指皮肤或组织受伤后出现的伤痕,但"bruise"通常指较轻的伤痕,而"contusion"更常指严重的伤痕。
bruise vs. injury:
1. 瘀伤,淤血动词
1. 使受伤,使受损牛津词典
1. 瘀伤,淤血 2. 创伤,伤害动词
1. 使受伤,受损 2. 使受挫折,使受打击用法
1. She had several bruises on her arms and legs after the accident.在事故后,她的胳膊和腿上有几处淤血。 2. The child fell off the bike and got a big bruise on his knee.
孩子从自行车上摔下来,膝盖上有一个大瘀伤。 3. He suffered emotional bruises from the breakup of his relationship.
他在感情关系破裂中受到了心理上的伤害。 4. The boxer had a bruised face after the intense match.
这位拳击手在激烈的比赛后面部青一块紫一块。 5. The doctor examined the bruise and recommended applying ice to reduce swelling.
医生检查了淤伤,建议敷冰以减轻肿胀。 6. She accidentally bumped into the table and got a bruise on her hip.
她不小心撞到桌子上,臀部有了一个淤伤。 7. The bruises on his body showed the extent of the beating he had received.
他身上的淤伤显示了他所受到的殴打程度。 8. After the fall, her face was covered in bruises and scratches.
摔倒后,她的脸上布满了淤伤和擦伤。 9. He claimed that the accident was caused by a bruised brake pedal.
他声称事故是由于一个有问题的刹车踏板引起的。 10. The emotional bruises from the breakup took a long time to heal.
感情上的创伤需要很长时间才能愈合。 11. The athlete's bruised ego drove him to train harder and prove himself.
运动员受挫的自尊驱使他更加努力地训练并证明自己。 12. The toddler fell down the stairs and had bruises all over his body.
这个小孩从楼梯上摔下来,全身上下都是淤伤。 13. Her arm was covered in bruises, indicating that she had been physically abused.
她的手臂上布满了淤伤,表明她遭受了身体虐待。 14. The bruises on the fruit were evidence of mishandling during transportation.
水果上的淤伤是运输过程中处理不当的证据。 15. The victim's body was covered in bruises, suggesting a violent attack.
受害者全身上下都是淤伤,表明遭受了暴力袭击。 16. The child's bruises healed quickly with proper care and rest.
通过适当的护理和休息,孩子的淤伤很快愈合。 17. She wore long sleeves to hide the bruises on her arms.
她穿长袖衣服遮住了胳膊上的淤伤。 18. The bruises on her face were a visible reminder of the accident.
她脸上的淤伤是事故的一个显而易见的提醒。 19. The doctor advised using a cold compress to reduce the bruising and swelling.
医生建议使用冷敷物来减轻淤血和肿胀。 20. The bruise turned yellow and faded as it healed.