1. 亲密的;亲近的
- 中文解释:指与某人关系密切或亲密
- 英文解释:close or intimate in relationship
2. 心爱的;亲爱的
- 中文解释:指深受喜爱或珍视的人或物
- 英文解释:dearly loved or cherished
1. 胸部
- 中文解释:人体前部上部的部分,包括乳房和胸腔
- 英文解释:the front upper part of the human body, including the breasts and chest
2. 内心;胸怀
- 中文解释:指内心的感受、情感或思想
- 英文解释:the seat of emotions, feelings, or thoughts
1. bosom friend vs. close friend
- 中文解释:指非常亲密的朋友
- 英文解释:a very close friend
2. bosom vs. chest
- 中文解释:指胸部
- 英文解释:referring to the chest area
- bosom buddy: 知己;密友
- bosom companion: 忠实的朋友
- bosom relationship: 亲密关系
- intimate: 亲密的;私人的
- beloved: 心爱的;亲爱的
- breast: 胸部
- distant: 遥远的;疏远的
- estranged: 疏远的;分离的
- 无相关信息
- 无相关信息
- "He held his wife to his
bosom." (他把妻子紧紧拥入怀中。)
- "She was my
bosom friend." (她是我密友。)
- "The baby nestled against its mother's
bosom." (婴儿依偎在母亲的怀里。)
- "He poured out his sorrows in her
bosom." (他向她倾诉了自己的忧伤。)
- "They are
bosom buddies." (他们是密友。)
- "She held the secret close to her
bosom." (她把秘密紧紧藏在心底。)
- "He is my
bosom companion." (他是我忠实的伴侣。)
- "The child found comfort in her mother's
bosom." (孩子在母亲的怀抱中找到了安慰。)
- "They shared a
bosom relationship." (他们有着亲密的关系。)
- "She cradled the kitten in her
bosom." (她将小猫抱在怀里。)
- "He laid his head on her
bosom." (他将头靠在她的胸前。)
- "She carried the photo in the
bosom of her dress." (她将照片藏在裙子的胸前。)
- "The secret was kept close to their
bosoms." (秘密被他们紧紧保守着。)
- "He wore the medal on his
bosom." (他佩戴勋章在胸前。)
- "She held her baby to her
bosom." (她抱着婴儿在怀里。)
- "They embraced, their
bosoms pressed together." (他们拥抱在一起,胸贴胸。)
- "The couple walked arm in arm, their
bosoms filled with joy." (这对夫妇手挽手走着,胸中充满了喜悦。)
1. He held his wife to his bosom. (他把妻子紧紧拥入怀中。)
2. She was my bosom friend. (她是我密友。)
3. The baby nestled against its mother's bosom. (婴儿依偎在母亲的怀里。)
4. He poured out his sorrows in her bosom. (他向她倾诉了自己的忧伤。)
5. They are bosom buddies. (他们是密友。)
6. She held the secret close to her bosom. (她把秘密紧紧藏在心底。)
7. He is my bosom companion. (他是我忠实的伴侣。)
8. The child found comfort in her mother's bosom. (孩子在母亲的怀抱中找到了安慰。)
9. They shared a bosom relationship. (他们有着亲密的关系。)
10. She cradled the kitten in her bosom. (她将小猫抱在怀里。)
11. He laid his head on her bosom. (他将头靠在她的胸前。)
12. She carried the photo in the bosom of her dress. (她将照片藏在裙子的胸前。)
13. The secret was kept close to their bosoms. (秘密被他们紧紧保守着。)
14. He wore the medal on his bosom. (他佩戴勋章在胸前。)
15. She held her baby to her bosom. (她抱着婴儿在怀里。)
16. They embraced, their bosoms pressed together. (他们拥抱在一起,胸贴胸。)
17. The couple walked arm in arm, their bosoms filled with joy. (这对夫妇手挽手走着,胸中充满了喜悦。)
18. He nestled his head on her bosom and fell asleep. (他依偎在她的怀里,然后入睡。)
19. She clutched the love letter to her bosom, tears streaming down her face. (她紧紧抱着情书,泪水顺着脸颊流淌。)
20. The mother breastfed her baby, cradling it against her bosom. (母亲哺乳婴儿,将其抱在怀中。)