- 名词:下颌骨;下颌骨骨质;颚骨;下颌;颌骨骨质;下颌部
- 形容词:下颌骨的;下颌的;颚的;下颌部的;颌骨的
1. 名词:下颌骨;下颌骨骨质;颚骨;下颌;颌骨骨质;下颌部
2. 形容词:下颌骨的;下颌的;颚的;下颌部的;颌骨的
- jawbone cancer:下颌骨癌
- jawbone fracture:下颌骨骨折
- lower jawbone:下颌骨
- mandibular bone:下颌骨
mandible, maxilla
upper jawbone
- Jawbone (noun): Your jawbone is the bone in your jaw.
- Jawbone (verb): If you jawbone with someone, you try to persuade them to do something by using arguments or by talking for a long time about a particular subject.
- Jawbone (noun): The bone in the lower part of the face that holds the teeth.
- Jawbone (verb): Influence or pressure (someone) by talking without stopping.
1. The dentist examined the patient's jawbone to check for any abnormalities.
2. The construction worker suffered a jawbone fracture after the accident at the site.
3. She was hit in the face and broke her jawbone.
- The doctor recommended surgery to repair the fractured jawbone. (医生建议进行手术修复骨折的下颌骨。)
- He was chewing a piece of gum, moving his jawbone up and down. (他嚼着口香糖,上下移动着下颌骨。)
- The archaeologists unearthed the jawbone of an ancient human. (考古学家挖掘出一块古人的颚骨。)
- The boxer received a heavy blow to his jawbone during the match. (拳击手在比赛中受到重击,打到了下颌骨上。)
- She underwent surgery to remove a tumor from her jawbone. (她接受了手术,切除了下颌骨上的肿瘤。)
- He talked for hours, trying to jawbone the committee into approving his proposal. (他说了几个小时,试图通过言辞说服委员会批准他的提案。)
- The negotiators jawboned for hours before finally reaching an agreement. (谈判代表们进行了几个小时的辩论,最终达成了协议。)
- She jawboned her boss into giving her a raise. (她用口才说服了她的老板给她加薪。)
- He is known for his ability to jawbone and convince people to support his ideas. (他以能够通过辩论和说服人们支持他的观点而闻名。)
- The professor's lecture was so boring that many students were seen jawboning. (教授的讲座太无聊了,许多学生被看到在交头接耳。)
- She couldn't concentrate on her work because her colleagues were jawboning loudly in the next cubicle. (她无法集中精力工作,因为她的同事们在隔壁隔间大声闲聊。)
- The company's CEO used his jawbone to persuade investors to fund the new project. (该公司的首席执行官用口才说服投资者资助这个新项目。)
- The politician's jawboning tactics helped him gain support from the public. (政客的辩论策略帮助他赢得了公众的支持。)
- She constantly jawbones about her accomplishments, making everyone around her uncomfortable. (她总是吹嘘自己的成就,让周围的人感到不舒服。)
- He was exhausted after jawboning with his team for hours to find a solution to the problem. (他与他的团队进行了几个小时的辩论,寻找解决问题的办法,感到筋疲力尽。)
- The politician's jawboning technique is highly effective in persuading voters. (这位政客的辩论技巧在说服选民方面非常有效。)
- She jawboned the committee members into reconsidering their decision. (她说服委员会成员重新考虑他们的决定。)
- The CEO jawboned the shareholders to support his plan for company expansion. (首席执行官说服股东支持他的公司扩张计划。)
- He jawboned the board of directors into approving the new budget. (他说服董事会批准新的预算。)
- She jawboned her parents into allowing her to go on the school trip. (她说服父母允许她参加学校的旅行。)
- They spent the entire meeting jawboning about the company's financial situation. (他们在整个会议上都在讨论公司的财务状况。)