1. 含义: - (尤指在夜间)守卫,看守人员 - 门卫,巡逻员 2. 词语辨析: - watchman:强调对特定地点或财产的守卫,通常指在夜间负责看守的人员。 - guard:泛指负责保护人、物或地点的人员,也可以指设备或措施。 - sentinel:指在监狱、边界或警戒线上放哨的人。 3. 词汇扩充: - watchwoman(名词):女看守人员 - watchmen(复数名词):看守人员 4. 近义词: - guard - sentinel - custodian - warden - keeper 5. 反义词: - intruder - thief - criminal词性:形容词
1. 含义: - 守卫的 - 值班的 - 警觉的 2. 词汇扩充: - watchmanly(副词):像守卫一样的,勇敢的词典释义
柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary)
名词: 1. A watchman is a man whose job is to guard a building or area, especially at night. 2. In the past, a watchman was a man who patrolled the streets at night to make sure that there was no trouble.牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary)
名词: 1. A person employed to guard something. 2. (historical) A person employed to patrol the streets at night in order to enforce regulations or maintain order.用法
- The watchman stood at the entrance, checking everyone's identification. 守卫站在入口处,检查着每个人的身份证明。 - The company hired a watchman to patrol the warehouse during the night. 公司雇了一个守卫在夜间巡逻仓库。 - The watchman spotted a suspicious individual lurking near the building. 守卫发现一名可疑人在大楼附近潜伏。 - The watchman's duty is to ensure the safety and security of the premises. 守卫的职责是确保场地的安全与保卫。 - The watchman sounded the alarm when he noticed smoke coming from the building. 守卫发现建筑物冒烟时拉响了警报。例句
- The watchman patrols the factory grounds every hour.(守卫每小时巡逻一次工厂场地。)
- They hired a watchman to guard their house while they were away.(他们雇了一个守卫在他们离开期间看守他们的房子。)
- The watchman's flashlight illuminated the dark alley.(守卫的手电筒照亮了黑暗的小巷。)
- Despite being a watchman, he was unable to prevent the burglary.(尽管是个守卫,他却未能阻止入室盗窃。)
- The watchman's keen eyesight allowed him to spot the intruder from a distance.(守卫敏锐的视力使他能够从远处发现入侵者。)
- The watchman sounded the alarm and called the police when he saw the break-in.(守卫看到闯入者时拉响了警报并报警。)
- The watchman had to stay awake all night to ensure the safety of the construction site.(守卫需要整夜保持清醒以确保工地的安全。)
- They installed cameras to assist the watchman in monitoring the premises.(他们安装了摄像头来帮助守卫监控场地。)
- The watchman's dedication to his job earned him the respect of his colleagues.(守卫对工作的奉献赢得了同事们的尊重。)
- After years of working as a watchman, he developed a sixth sense for detecting potential danger.(多年来担任守卫后,他培养了一种发现潜在危险的第六感。)
- The watchman's presence served as a deterrent to potential thieves.(守卫的存在对潜在的小偷起到了威慑作用。)
- Although he was tired, the watchman remained vigilant throughout the night.(尽管感到疲倦,守卫整夜保持警觉。)
- The watchman's job requires him to report any suspicious activity to the authorities.(守卫的工作要求他向当局报告任何可疑活动。)
- The watchman's steady gaze made the intruder nervous.(守卫稳定的目光让入侵者感到紧张。)
- The watchman carries a whistle to alert others in case of an emergency.(守卫携带口哨,以便在紧急情况下警示他人。)
- Being a watchman requires patience and the ability to stay focused for long periods of time.(当守卫需要耐心和长时间保持专注力。)
- After retiring as a watchman, he wrote a book about his experiences.(退休后,他写了一本关于自己经历的书。)
- The watchman's uniform consisted of a hat, a badge, and a reflective vest.(守卫的制服包括帽子、徽章和反光背心。)
- The watchman's dog accompanied him on his nightly patrols.(守卫的狗陪伴他进行夜间巡逻。)
- Due to the watchman's negligence, the thieves were able to break in undetected.(由于守卫的疏忽,小偷们得以未被察觉地闯入。)