1. ports:
1. ports:
1. port 和 harbor:
port 一般指一个城市或地方的港口或码头,强调其商业性质;harbor 则更多指提供庇护和保护的地方,强调其安全性和舒适性。
1. airport:
1. ports:
1. ports:
ports (名词)
1. A port is a town by the sea or by a river that has a harbour.
ports (名词)
1. A port is a town or an area with a harbour, especially one where goods are loaded, unloaded, and sent to and from other countries.
2. A port is a place where ships can be loaded and unloaded.
1. port 作为名词时,常用于描述城市或地方的港口或码头。
2. port 也可指船舶或飞机停靠的地方,以及入口或通道。
3. port 作为形容词时,指的是甜酒。
- I will meet you at the port when your ship arrives. (当你的船抵达时,我会在码头等你。)
- The ports of Rotterdam and Hamburg are major shipping hubs in Europe. (鹿特丹和汉堡的港口是欧洲的重要航运枢纽。)
- He opened the port and looked out at the sea. (他打开舷窗,朝外看了看海。)
- The port city is known for its historical architecture. (这座港口城市以其历史建筑而闻名。)
- The ship found a safe port to anchor for the night. (船找到了一个安全的停泊地点,准备在那里过夜。)
- The port of entry requires all passengers to go through customs. (入境口岸要求所有乘客经过海关检查。)
- She enjoyed a glass of port after dinner. (晚餐后,她享用了一杯甜酒。)
- The port city is a popular destination for cruise ships. (这个港口城市是游轮的热门目的地。)
- The ship docked at the port and passengers disembarked. (船停靠在码头上,乘客下船了。)
- He gazed out of the port and watched the sunset. (他凝视着舷窗外,看着日落。)
- The company operates several ports around the world. (该公司在世界各地经营着几个港口。)
- The port city plays a vital role in the region's economy. (这个港口城市在该地区的经济中扮演着重要角色。)
- The captain guided the ship into the port with precision. (船长准确地将船引入港口。)
- The port authorities are responsible for maintaining the harbor. (港务局负责维护港口。)
- She stood on the port side of the ship and watched the waves. (她站在船的左舷,看着海浪。)
- The port city has a rich maritime history. (这座港口城市有着丰富的海事历史。)
- The ship was moored at the port for repairs. (船只停靠在港口进行维修。)
- They loaded the cargo onto the ship at the port. (他们在港口将货物装上了船。)
- The port was bustling with activity as ships came and went. (港口来往船只,熙熙攘攘,一片忙碌。)
- He boarded the ferry at the port and sailed across the bay. (他在港口登上渡轮,穿过海湾航行。)
- The port city is known for its seafood restaurants. (这个港口城市以其海鲜餐厅而闻名。)