1. 应用的
英文解释:applied or usable
- He has practical applications for his research. (他对自己的研究有实际应用。)
- The technology has many applications in various industries. (这项技术在各行各业有许多应用。)
1. 应用
英文解释:the act of putting something to use
- She submitted her job application yesterday. (她昨天递交了她的工作申请。)
- The application of new technology can greatly improve efficiency. (新技术的应用可以大大提高效率。)
2. 申请
英文解释:a formal request for something
- Please complete the application form and submit it by the deadline. (请填写完整的申请表,并在截止日期前提交。)
- His application for a scholarship was successful. (他申请奖学金成功了。)
3. 应用程序
英文解释:a program designed for a specific purpose
- I need to install a new application on my smartphone. (我需要在手机上安装一个新的应用程序。)
- The company develops software applications for businesses. (该公司开发针对企业的软件应用程序。)
1. application vs. implementation
- The application of the new policy was successful. (新政策的应用很成功。)
- The implementation of the new policy started last month. (新政策的实施从上个月开始。)
2. application vs. utilization
- The application of renewable energy sources is important for sustainable development. (可再生能源的应用对可持续发展很重要。)
- The utilization of available resources is crucial for the project's success. (利用可利用资源对项目的成功至关重要。)
1. computer applications - 计算机应用程序
2. job application - 工作申请
3. mobile applications - 移动应用程序
4. application deadline - 申请截止日期
5. application form - 申请表
6. application process - 申请流程
7. application fee - 申请费
1. use
2. employment
3. utilization
4. practice
5. exercise
1. disregard
2. neglect
3. nonuse
4. disuse
1. the act of applying or the state of being applied
2. something, such as a healing agent or lotion, that is applied, esp to the skin
3. a verbal or written request, as for a job, etc
4. diligent effort or concentration; assiduity
5. (often plural) a verbal or written request for assistance or employment or admission to a school, etc
6. (often plural) a self-contained program or piece of software designed to meet a particular purpose
7. (mathematics) a. the process of determining the value of a function for a given argument b. the value of a function for a given argument
1. a formal request to an authority for something
2. the action of putting something into operation
3. the action of applying a substance or using a device for a specific purpose
4. the action of putting something on a surface
5. the action or process of making a formal request for a job or place on a course
6. a program or piece of software designed to fulfill a particular purpose
1. "application"作为名词,可以指申请、应用、应用程序等。
- She filled out an application for the job. (她填写了一份求职申请。)
- The application of new technology has revolutionized the industry. (新技术的应用已经使这个行业发生了革命性的变化。)
- I downloaded a new application on my smartphone. (我在智能手机上下载了一个新的应用程序。)
2. "application"还可以指涂抹、应用的动作或过程。
- The application of sunscreen is important to protect your skin. (使用防晒霜对保护皮肤很重要。)
- She learned the correct application of makeup. (她学会了正确的化妆方法。)
- He has practical applications for his research. (他对自己的研究有实际应用。)
- The technology has many applications in various industries. (这项技术在各行各业有许多应用。)
- She submitted her job application yesterday. (她昨天递交了她的工作申请。)
- The application of new technology can greatly improve efficiency. (新技术的应用可以大大提高效率。)
- Please complete the application form and submit it by the deadline. (请填写完整的申请表,并在截止日期前提交。)
- His application for a scholarship was successful. (他申请奖学金成功了。)
- I need to install a new application on my smartphone. (我需要在手机上安装一个新的应用程序。)
- The company develops software applications for businesses. (该公司开发针对企业的软件应用程序。)
- The application of the new policy was successful. (新政策的应用很成功。)
- The implementation of the new policy started last month. (新政策的实施从上个月开始。)
- The application of renewable energy sources is important for sustainable development. (可再生能源的应用对可持续发展很重要。)
- The utilization of available resources is crucial for the project's success. (利用可利用资源对项目的成功至关重要。)
- They are seeking applications for the vacant position. (他们正在寻求填补空缺职位的申请。)
- He showed great application in his studies. (他在学习中表现出极大的努力。)
- She has submitted applications to several universities. (她向几所大学提交了申请。)
- The application of this new technique will greatly benefit the medical field. (这项新技术的应用将极大地惠及医学领域。)
- Please fill out the job application form and attach your resume. (请填写完整的工作申请表,并附上你的简历。)
- The application of makeup requires skill and practice. (化妆的技巧和实践是必要的。)
- He submitted his application for the scholarship before the deadline. (他在截止日期前提交了奖学金申请。)
- She is proficient in various computer applications. (她精通各种计算机应用程序。)
- They are currently reviewing job applications for the position. (他们正在审核该职位的求职申请。)