形容词: 1. 比...持久,比...长久 2. 经久耐用的 名词: 1. 持久;延续时间 2. 比其他人或事物持久的人或事物词语辨析
outlast与outlive的区别: outlast强调在持续的时间或竞争中比其他人或事物更持久; outlive强调在生命周期中存在更久,比其他人或事物更长寿。词汇扩充
outlast的派生词: outlasted (动词的过去式和过去分词) outlasting (动词的现在分词) outlasts (第三人称单数动词)近义词
outlive, outstay, endure, survive反义词
undergo, succumb, perish柯林斯词典解释
形容词: If you say that one person or thing outlasts another, you mean that the first person or thing continues to exist or function after the second person or thing has stopped existing or functioning. 【例句】He will probably outlast me. 【翻译】他可能比我活得更久。 名词: The outlast of a person or thing is the time during which they exist or remain active. 【例句】He was determined to see his company through the outlast. 【翻译】他决心要见证他的公司度过困难时期。牛津词典解释
动词: Last longer than. 【例句】The buildings outlasted the people who built them. 【翻译】这些建筑比建造它们的人更持久。 名词: The duration or length of time that something lasts. 【例句】The outlast of a battery depends on how often and how long the phone is used. 【翻译】电池的使用时间取决于手机使用的频率和持续时间。用法
动词: 1. The marathon runner outlasted all the other competitors. 【翻译】这名马拉松选手比其他竞争者坚持得更久。 2. Their friendship outlasted their time at university. 【翻译】他们的友谊在大学时期之后仍然持续下去。 名词: 1. The outlast of the party was well into the early hours of the morning. 【翻译】派对一直持续到清晨的早些时候。 2. The outlast of a lightbulb depends on its wattage and usage. 【翻译】灯泡的使用寿命取决于其瓦数和使用情况。相关的例句
- The old castle outlasted the war and stood as a reminder of the past.(这座古堡经受住了战争的考验,成为过去的象征。)
- Her love for him outlasted all the challenges they faced.(她对他的爱经受住了他们所面临的一切挑战。)
- He was determined to outlast his opponents in the race.(他决心在比赛中比对手坚持更久。)
- The outlast of the storm was longer than expected.(这场风暴的持续时间比预期要长。)
- The company's success is due to its ability to outlast its competitors.(这家公司的成功要归功于它能够比竞争对手更持久。)
- In this survival game, only the fittest can outlast the challenges.(在这个生存游戏中,只有最适者能够经受住挑战。)
- She believed her love would outlast any obstacles they might face.(她相信她的爱将比他们可能面临的任何障碍更持久。)
- The outlast of the concert was a spectacular fireworks display.(音乐会持续到最后,以壮观的烟花表演结束。)
- His energy and enthusiasm outlasted that of his younger colleagues.(他的精力和热情比年轻同事更持久。)
- The outlast of the battery depends on the device's usage.(电池的使用寿命取决于设备的使用情况。)
- They were the last ones standing, outlasting all the other contestants.(他们是最后一个站着的,比其他所有选手坚持得更久。)
- The outlast of the party surprised everyone.(派对的持续时间让所有人都感到惊讶。)
- His determination to succeed helped him outlast his competitors.(他成功的决心帮助他比竞争对手坚持更久。)
- Despite the challenges, their friendship outlasted everything.(尽管面临挑战,他们的友谊经受住了一切。)
- Her memory of him would outlast the passage of time.(她对他的记忆将经久不衰。)
- They were determined to outlast the storm and stay safe.(他们决心经受住风暴的考验,保持安全。)
- His legacy will outlast him and continue to inspire generations to come.(他的遗产将超越他本人,并继续激励后代。)
- The team's perseverance helped them outlast their opponents.(团队的毅力帮助他们比对手坚持更久。)
- Despite the odds, their love managed to outlast all the challenges.(尽管情况不利,他们的爱情设法经受住了所有的挑战。)
- His optimism outlasted the pessimism of those around him.(他的乐观比周围的悲观持续更久。)
- The outlast of the book club was a lively discussion.(读书俱乐部的持续时间是一场热烈的讨论。)