中英词典: “bisexual”
1. 双性的 - 指既对异性又对同性有吸引力或感兴趣的人。 - 例如:He is open about his bisexual identity. (他对自己的双性身份持开放态度。)名词
1. 双性恋者 - 指既对异性又对同性有吸引力或感兴趣的人。 - 例如:She came out as a bisexual last year. (她在去年公开了自己是双性恋者的身份。)词语辨析
- 同性恋者(homosexual):指只对同性有吸引力或感兴趣的人。 - 异性恋者(heterosexual):指只对异性有吸引力或感兴趣的人。词汇扩充
- 性倾向(sexual orientation) - 性别认同(gender identity) - 同性恋(homosexuality) - 异性恋(heterosexuality) - LGBTQ+(Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and other sexual orientations)近义词
- 两性恋(ambisexual) - 双性恋(androgyne)反义词
- 异性恋(heterosexual) - 同性恋(homosexual)柯林斯词典解释
形容词 - If someone is bisexual, they are sexually attracted to both men and women. - 例如:...a bisexual man. 名词 - A bisexual is someone who is bisexual. - 例如:...the problems faced by bisexuals.牛津词典解释
形容词 - Sexually attracted not exclusively to people of one particular gender; attracted to both men and women. - 例如:She was bisexual and had enjoyed a couple of brief affairs with women. 名词 - A person who is sexually attracted to both men and women. - 例如:She did not know he was a bisexual until they had been seeing each other for six months.用法
- She is open about her bisexual identity. - I have a bisexual friend who is in a same-sex relationship. - Many people struggle with understanding bisexuality. - He realized he was bisexual in his late teens.例句
- He identifies as bisexual and has had relationships with both men and women.(他自认为是双性恋者,并且曾经和男性和女性有过关系。)
- She came out as bisexual when she was in college.(她在上大学时公开了自己是双性恋者。)
- Being bisexual means being attracted to both genders.(双性恋意味着对两性都有吸引力。)
- He is exploring his sexuality and has recently realized he might be bisexual.(他正在探索自己的性取向,最近意识到自己可能是双性恋。)
- She is proud of her bisexual identity and advocates for LGBTQ+ rights.(她为自己的双性恋身份感到自豪,并为LGBTQ+权益发声。)
- My friend has been in a committed relationship with a bisexual person for several years.(我的朋友和一个双性恋者保持着长期稳定的关系已经好几年了。)
- Some people mistakenly believe that bisexuality is just a phase.(有些人错误地认为双性恋只是一种阶段。)
- As a bisexual, she feels attracted to people based on their individual qualities, regardless of their gender.(作为一个双性恋者,她根据个人品质而不是性别来感到吸引。)
- He struggled with his bisexual identity for many years before fully accepting himself.(他在完全接受自己之前,对自己的双性恋身份挣扎了很多年。)
- The bisexual community faces unique challenges and stereotypes.(双性恋群体面临着独特的挑战和刻板印象。)
- She joined a support group for bisexual individuals to connect with others who share similar experiences.(她加入了一个双性恋者支持小组,与其他有着相似经历的人建立联系。)
- My sister recently came out to me as bisexual, and I fully support her.(我妹妹最近向我出柜,说自己是双性恋,我完全支持她。)
- He is attracted to both men and women, which is why he identifies as bisexual.(他对男性和女性都有吸引力,这就是他自认为是双性恋的原因。)
- Being bisexual doesn't mean being confused or indecisive; it simply means being attracted to both genders.(双性恋并不意味着迷茫或优柔寡断,它只是意味着对两性都有吸引力。)
- Some people may mistakenly assume that bisexuality is a result of being unable to choose between genders.(有些人可能错误地认为双性恋是因为无法在性别之间做出选择。)
- She is in a loving and supportive relationship with another bisexual woman.(她和另一个双性恋女性保持着充满爱和支持的关系。)
- He has faced discrimination from both heterosexual and homosexual communities due to his bisexual identity.(由于他的双性恋身份,他在异性恋和同性恋群体中都面临着歧视。)
- She believes that everyone's sexuality is unique and valid, including those who identify as bisexual.(她相信每个人的性取向都是独特且有效的,包括那些自认为是双性恋的人。)
- They met at a bisexual support group and have been inseparable ever since.(他们是在一个双性恋者支持小组认识的,自那以后他们就再也没有分开过。)
- He struggled with coming out as bisexual to his conservative family, but eventually found acceptance.(他在向保守的家人出柜为双性恋时遇到了困难,但最终获得了接受。)
- Many people still hold misconceptions about bisexuality and make assumptions based on stereotypes.(很多人对双性恋仍然抱有误解,并根据刻板印象做出假设。)