1. A large black bird with a straight bill and long wedge-shaped tail:
- In Chinese: 渡鸦
- Example in English: The raven croaked loudly from the treetop. (渡鸦在树顶上发出嘎嘎的叫声。)
2. A person who is fascinated by shiny objects and collects them:
- In Chinese: 嗜好收集闪光物品的人
- Example in English: My sister is a raven, always collecting shiny trinkets. (我姐姐是个嗜好收集闪光小饰物的人。)
1. Of the color of a raven; jet-black:
- In Chinese: 乌黑的
- Example in English: Her raven hair flowed down her back. (她乌黑的头发垂在背后。)
Word Differentiation
Raven: Refers to the bird.
Ravenous: Means extremely hungry.
Blackbird: A similar type of bird.
Crow: Another type of black bird.
Dove: A symbol of peace.
Collins Dictionary
- Raven: A large bird with shiny black feathers and a deep, harsh call, or a shiny black color.
- Example: The raven swooped down from the sky.
Oxford Dictionary
- Raven: A large heavily-built crow with mainly black plumage, feeding chiefly on carrion.
- Example: The raven perched on the fence, cawing loudly.
- The raven is often associated with darkness and mystery in literature and folklore.
- The adjective "raven" is used to describe things that are jet-black in color.
Example Sentences
1. The raven cawed loudly, echoing through the forest. (渡鸦发出嘎嘎的叫声,在森林中回荡。)
2. She had a pet raven, which would often mimic her voice. (她养了一只宠物渡鸦,经常模仿她的声音。)
3. The raven's feathers glistened in the sunlight. (渡鸦的羽毛在阳光下闪闪发光。)
4. The raven's call was an omen of bad luck. (渡鸦的叫声是厄运的预兆。)
5. The raven pecked at the carcass on the roadside. (渡鸦在路边啄食兽尸。)
6. The old man had a collection of shiny objects, like a true raven. (老人有一系列闪亮的物品,像一只真正的渡鸦。)
7. Her raven hair cascaded down her shoulders. (她乌黑的头发顺着肩膀垂下。)
8. The dark forest was home to many ravens. (黑暗的森林是许多渡鸦的家园。)
9. The raven's wingspan was impressive as it soared above the trees. (渡鸦展翅飞翔在树木上方,令人印象深刻。)
10. The raven's beady eyes stared at me from the branch. (渡鸦的黑亮眼睛从树枝上盯着我。)
11. His raven voice sent chills down my spine. (他嗄哑的嗓音让我背脊发凉。)
12. The raven's feathers were sleek and glossy. (渡鸦的羽毛光滑有光泽。)
13. The raven's call echoed through the empty streets. (渡鸦的叫声在空荡荡的街道上回荡。)
14. The raven swooped down and grabbed the piece of bread. (渡鸦俯冲下来抓起一块面包。)
15. The little girl was captivated by the raven's shiny black feathers. (小女孩被渡鸦闪亮的黑羽毛吸引住了。)
16. We watched as the raven flew high above the mountains. (我们看着渡鸦在山上方飞翔。)
17. The raven circled the tower, its call echoing in the night. (渡鸦在塔楼上空盘旋,它的叫声在夜里回荡。)
18. The raven perched on the roof, keeping watch over the neighborhood. (渡鸦栖息在屋顶上,守望着街区。)
19. The raven's plumage shimmered with shades of purple in the sunlight. (渡鸦的羽毛在阳光下闪烁着紫色的光泽。)
20. The raven's ominous presence added to the eerie atmosphere of the haunted house. (渡鸦的不祥存在增添了闹鬼屋的恐怖氛围。)