1. 身体虚弱的;力量不足的
- 英文释义:lacking physical strength or energy; not strong.
- 词汇扩充:feeble, frail, debilitated
- 近义词:frail, feeble, delicate
- 反义词:strong, powerful, robust
2. 缺乏决心的;意志薄弱的
- 英文释义:lacking in determination or willpower.
- 词汇扩充:indecisive, irresolute, vacillating
- 近义词:indecisive, feeble, hesitant
- 反义词:strong-willed, resolute, determined
3. 不擅长的;不够好的
- 英文释义:not good at doing something; not of good quality.
- 词汇扩充:ineffective, inefficient, subpar
- 近义词:ineffective, inadequate, substandard
- 反义词:competent, proficient, capable
1. 弱者;软弱的人
- 英文释义:a person who lacks physical or moral strength.
- 词汇扩充:wimp, pushover, coward
- 近义词:wimp, milksop, sissy
- 反义词:strong person, powerhouse, tough guy
2. 弱点;缺陷
- 英文释义:a fault or defect.
- 词汇扩充:flaw, deficiency, shortcoming
- 近义词:flaw, defect, imperfection
- 反义词:strength, advantage, asset
- weak vs. feeble:
- 英文释义:weak表示身体或力量不足,而feeble更强调虚弱和无力。
- 例句1:His weak voice couldn't be heard in the noisy room. (他的声音太微弱,在嘈杂的房间里听不见。)
- 例句2:The old man's feeble attempt to lift the heavy box was unsuccessful. (老人试图举起重箱子,但无力。)
- weak vs. frail:
- 英文释义:weak强调缺乏力量,而frail更强调身体脆弱和易受伤。
- 例句1:After being sick for a week, she was too weak to get out of bed. (生病一周后,她太虚弱了,无法下床。)
- 例句2:The frail old woman needed assistance to walk across the room. (这位体弱的老妇人需要别人帮助她走过房间。)
1. If someone is weak, they have very little strength or energy.
- 例句:She had been weak and feverish for several days. (她连续几天身体虚弱发烧。)
2. If a part of your body is weak, it does not work very well or is easily damaged.
- 例句:His heart was weak and he had difficulty breathing. (他的心脏功能不好,呼吸困难。)
1. If you describe someone as a weak, you mean that they are not strong and firm, and easily influenced by other people.
- 例句:He was a weak who always gave in to his wife's demands. (他是个软弱的人,总是迁就妻子的要求。)
2. A weak is a disadvantage or fault that someone or something has.
- 例句:Lack of confidence is his biggest weak. (缺乏信心是他最大的弱点。)
1. Lacking the power to perform physically demanding tasks; lacking physical strength or energy.
- 例句:She was too weak to climb up the stairs. (她身体太虚弱,无法爬楼梯。)
2. Liable to break or give way under pressure; easily damaged.
- 例句:The bridge collapsed due to weak foundations. (桥梁因基础薄弱而坍塌。)
1. A person who is lacking in physical strength.
- 例句:He was considered a weak because he couldn't lift heavy weights. (他因举不动重物被视为弱者。)
2. A disadvantage or fault.
- 例句:Her lack of confidence was her weak. (她缺乏自信是她的弱点。)
- 形容词 "weak" 可以用来描述人、物体或者情感上的弱点,还可以用来表示力量、能力、决心的不足。
- 名词 "weak" 可以用来指代一个人的身体或性格上的弱点,也可以用来指代某事物的缺陷或劣势。
1. She has been feeling weak and tired lately. (她最近感觉虚弱和疲倦。)
2. The weak bridge collapsed under the weight of the heavy truck. (这座薄弱的桥梁在重卡的重量下坍塌了。)
3. He has a weak immune system and often gets sick. (他的免疫系统较弱,经常生病。)
4. The weak leadership of the company led to its downfall. (公司软弱的领导导致了它的衰落。)
5. She has a weak spot for chocolate and can't resist eating it. (她对巧克力有点爱好,无法抵挡它。)
6. The weak link in our security system needs to be strengthened. (我们安全系统的薄弱环节需要加强。)
7. The weak economy has resulted in a rise in unemployment. (经济疲软导致了失业率的上升。)
8. He is weak at math and often struggles with calculations. (他数学不好,经常在计算上苦苦挣扎。)
9. The weak signal prevented us from making a clear phone call. (信号弱导致我们无法进行清晰的电话通话。)
10. The team's weak performance in the first half cost them the game. (球队上半场的糟糕表现让他们输掉了比赛。)
11. The weak foundation of the building made it prone to structural damage. (建筑物的基础脆弱,容易受到结构损坏。)
12. The weak dollar means that traveling abroad is more expensive. (美元疲软意味着出国旅行更加昂贵。)
13. The weak voice of the speaker couldn't be heard in the large auditorium. (演讲者微弱的声音在大礼堂里听不见。)
14. The weak argument failed to convince the jury. (薄弱的论点未能说服陪审团。)
15. The weak sunlight filtered through the clouds. (微弱的阳光透过云层洒下来。)
16. The weak breeze gently rustled the leaves. (微风轻轻拂动着树叶。)
17. The weak coffee tasted watery and bland. (淡而无味的咖啡喝起来像是水。)
18. The weak applause at the end of the performance showed the audience's lack of enthusiasm. (演出结束时微弱的掌声显示了观众的不热情。)
19. The weak dollar has made imports more expensive. (美元疲软导致进口货物更加昂贵。)
20. She tried to lift the heavy box, but her weak muscles couldn't handle it. (她试图举起那个沉重的箱子,但是她虚弱的肌肉无法应对。)