Rough (adjective)
- having an uneven, irregular, or bumpy surface
- not gentle; violent or boisterous
- difficult or unpleasant
Rough (noun)
- a sketch or preliminary piece of artwork
- an uneven or irregular part of a surface or material
Rough (adjective)
- having an uneven or irregular surface; not smooth or level
- not gentle; violent or boisterous
- difficult or unpleasant
Rough (noun)
- a rough or unfinished version or piece of work
- an uneven or irregular part of a surface or material
- The rough surface of the wall scratched my hand.(墙壁的粗糙表面刮伤了我的手。)
- He was rough with his coworkers and often made offensive comments.(他对待同事粗暴,经常发表冒犯性的言论。)
- They endured rough living conditions while camping in the mountains.(他们在山中露营期间忍受了艰苦的生活条件。)
- We only have a rough estimate of the cost at this point.(目前我们只有大致的费用估计。)
- The rough terrain made it difficult to hike.(崎岖的地形使徒步旅行困难重重。)
- He quickly drew a rough of his design on a piece of paper.(他迅速在一张纸上画了他的设计草图。)
- My shoes were damaged by the rough on the sidewalk.(我的鞋子被人行道上的凸起部分磨损了。)
- The rough texture of the stone contrasted with the smoothness of the glass.(石头的粗糙质地与玻璃的光滑形成了对比。)
- The rough man pushed his way through the crowd, while the gentle woman patiently waited her turn.(粗鲁的男子挤过人群,而温和的女士耐心等待她的轮到。)
- The rough sea tossed the boat back and forth.(汹涌的海浪使船来回颠簸。)
- He gave a rough estimate of the project timeline.(他给出了项目时间表的大致估计。)
- She used sandpaper to remove the rough edges of the wood.(她用砂纸去除了木头的毛刺。)
- After a long day of hiking, his face was covered in sweat and dirt, and his clothes were rough and torn.(经过一整天的徒步旅行,他的脸上沾满了汗水和泥土,衣服也变得粗糙而破损。)
- The rough draft of his speech needed a lot of revision before it could be presented to the audience.(他的演讲初稿需要经过大量修订才能呈现给观众。)
- He apologized for his rough behavior and promised to be more considerate in the future.(他为自己的粗暴行为道歉,并承诺将来会更加体贴。)
- The rough road caused the car to bounce and shake.(崎岖的道路使汽车颠簸摇晃。)
- His hands were rough and calloused from years of hard labor.(他的手因多年的辛勤劳动而粗糙和起茧。)
- The rough waters of the river made it challenging for the kayakers.(河水的急流使皮划艇运动员面临巨大挑战。)
- She had a rough day at work, dealing with difficult clients and tight deadlines.(她工作中过得很糟糕,要应对困难的客户和紧迫的截止日期。)
- The rough edges of the broken glass could cause injury, so we should be careful when handling it.(破碎玻璃的粗糙边缘可能会造成伤害,所以我们在处理时应该小心。)
- The rough seas prevented the fishermen from going out to sea.(汹涌的海面使渔民们无法出海。)