- password [ˈpæswɜːrd] (复数: passwords)
- 密码;口令
- 用于身份验证或访问控制的秘密字符组合。
- 密码是保护个人信息和电子设备免受未经授权访问的重要方式。
- passworded [ˈpæswɜːrdɪd]
- 有密码保护的
- 该文件已被密码保护,需要输入正确的密码才能打开。
- password [ˈpæswɜːrd] (第三人称单数: passwords; 现在分词: passwording; 过去式: passworded; 过去分词: passworded)
- 给...设置密码
- 请您在注册时设置一个强密码以确保账户的安全。
password 和passcode 都可以表示“密码”,但在一些特定情况下有所不同。通常来说:
- password 更常用于代表用于登录电子设备、网络账户等的密码。
- passcode 更常用于代表用于解锁手机、电子设备等的密码。
- password protect [ˈpæswɜːrd prəˈtekt] (动词短语)
- 设置密码保护
- 请在重要文件上设置密码保护,以防止未经授权的访问。
- password strength [ˈpæswɜːrd strɛŋθ] (名词短语)
- 密码强度
- 密码强度越高,越难以被破解。
- password recovery [ˈpæswɜːrd rɪˈkʌvəri] (名词短语)
- 密码恢复
- 如果您忘记了密码,可以通过密码恢复功能来重设密码。
- passphrase [ˈpæsfreɪz] (名词)
- 口令短语
- 与密码类似,用于身份验证或访问控制,但通常由多个单词组成。
- code [koʊd] (名词)
- 代码;密码
- 在计算机编程中,代码用于表示特定操作或实现特定功能。
- open [ˈoʊpən] (形容词)
- 开放的;无密码保护的
- 这个文件夹是开放的,任何人都可以访问。
- unlocked [ʌnˈlɑːkt] (形容词)
- 未锁定的
- 手机未锁定时,任何人都可以使用。
password (名词)
- A password is a secret word or phrase that you need to know in order to be allowed to enter a place such as a military site or a club, or to use a computer system.
- In computing, a password is a secret series of letters or numbers that you must know in order to be able to use a computer system.
password (名词)
- A secret word or phrase that must be used to gain admission to something.
- A string of characters that allows access to a computer, interface, or system.
password 作为名词时,可以用作主语、宾语、定语或表语。
- The password is case-sensitive.
- Passwords should be kept confidential.
- Please enter your password to log in.
- I forgot my password.
- Make sure you choose a strong password.
- This document is password protected.
- The password is incorrect.
- Your password is required to access the account.
- Remember to change your password regularly for better security. (请定期更改您的密码以提高安全性。)
- She entered her password and clicked on the login button. (她输入了密码并点击了登录按钮。)
- The password must be at least eight characters long. (密码必须至少包含八个字符。)
- I keep forgetting my email password. (我老是忘记我的电子邮件密码。)
- The website requires a strong password with a combination of letters, numbers, and symbols. (该网站要求使用字母、数字和符号的组合来设置一个强密码。)
- He passworded his computer to prevent unauthorized access. (他给自己的电脑设置了密码,以防止未经授权的访问。)
- Can you help me recover my forgotten password? (你能帮我恢复忘记的密码吗?)
- The password strength indicator shows how secure your chosen password is. (密码强度指示器显示您选择的密码有多安全。)
- Please password protect this important document. (请对这个重要文件进行密码保护。)
- He set a passphrase instead of a simple password for added security. (为了增加安全性,他设置了一个口令短语而不是简单的密码。)
- The code to unlock the door is 12345. (开锁的密码是12345。)
- The password recovery process is quite simple. (密码恢复过程非常简单。)
- Please keep your password confidential and never share it with anyone. (请保持您的密码机密,不要与任何人分享。)
- Make sure you remember your password to avoid any login issues. (请确保记住您的密码,以避免登录问题。)
- The email account is password protected to ensure privacy. (这个电子邮件账户受密码保护,以确保隐私。)
- He tried several passwords before finally guessing the correct one. (他尝试了几个密码后,最终猜对了正确的密码。)
- If you forget your password, click on the "Forgot Password" link to reset it. (如果您忘记密码,请点击“忘记密码”链接进行重置。)
- The system requires a password change every 90 days. (该系统要求每90天更改一次密码。)
- The password should not be easily guessable. (密码不应该容易被猜到。)
- He kept his wallet in a drawer, thinking it was password protected. (他把钱包放在抽屉里,以为它受到密码保护。)