1. suckers (informal) - 中文:傻瓜的,容易上当的 - 英文:foolish, easily deceived 2. suckers (informal) - 中文:贪婪的,贪心的 - 英文:greedy, avaricious名词含义:
1. sucker (informal) - 中文:傻瓜,容易上当的人 - 英文:fool, gullible person 2. sucker (botany) - 中文:茎脱落的新芽,插穗,吸盘 - 英文:shoot that arises from the base of a plant, scion, adhesive organ 3. sucker (zoology) - 中文:触手,吸盘,吸附器 - 英文:tentacle, adhesive disc, attachment organ词语辨析:
1. suckers vs. fools - "suckers"强调容易上当,而"fools"更强调愚蠢或缺乏判断力。 2. suckers vs. greedy - "suckers"指的是容易被骗的人,而"greedy"指的是贪婪的人。词汇扩充:
- sucker punch: 暗算,出其不意的攻击 - blood sucker: 吸血鬼 - sucker for: 对...情有独钟的人近义词:
- gullible, naive, easily deceived, trusting反义词:
- skeptic, cynic, realist柯林斯词典定义:
- suckers (noun) (informal): If someone says that you are a sucker for something, they mean that it is easy to persuade you to do it or that you very much want to do it. - sucker (noun) (botany): A sucker is a young shoot that grows from the base of a tree or plant. - sucker (noun) (zoology): In animals such as octopuses and squid, suckers are small, round parts on their arms which help them to grip things.牛津词典定义:
- sucker (noun) (informal): A person who is easily deceived or taken advantage of. - sucker (noun) (botany): A shoot growing from the base of a tree or plant, especially one that gives rise to suckers. - sucker (noun) (zoology): A part of an animal or plant specialized for sucking or adhering, such as a suckerfish or the disc of a climbing plant.用法:
- You shouldn't trust him so easily, he falls for every scam. (你不应该这么容易相信他,他总是上当受骗。) - The company's greed led them to make some bad business decisions. (公司的贪婪导致他们做出了一些错误的商业决策。)例句:
- He's such a sucker for romantic movies. (他对浪漫电影情有独钟。)
- Don't be a sucker, it's obviously a scam. (不要当傻瓜,这显然是个骗局。)
- The tree produced several suckers around its base. (这棵树的根部长出了几个新芽。)
- The octopus used its suckers to attach to the rocks. (章鱼用它的触手吸盘附着在岩石上。)
- She fell for his charm and ended up getting hurt. (她被他的魅力所吸引,最终受到了伤害。)
- He's a sucker for sweets, he can't resist them. (他对甜食情有独钟,无法抵挡。)
- She felt like a sucker for believing his lies. (她觉得自己上当受骗,相信了他的谎言。)
- The plant's suckers were carefully pruned to encourage growth. (为了促进生长,这棵植物的插穗被精心修剪了。)
- The climbing plant used its suckers to cling to the wall. (攀爬的植物用它的吸盘紧贴着墙壁。)
- He's always been a sucker for adventure. (他一直都对冒险感兴趣。)
- She's a sucker for a good mystery novel. (她迷恋上了一本好的悬疑小说。)
- He's a sucker for punishment, always taking on difficult tasks. (他好像喜欢自找苦吃,总是承担一些困难的任务。)
- The salesman tried to take advantage of the sucker by selling him a worthless product. (销售员试图利用这个傻瓜向他销售一种没有价值的产品。)
- The tree's suckers were trimmed to allow the main branches to grow stronger. (为了让主干更加茁壮,这棵树的插穗被修剪了。)
- The octopus used its suckers to catch its prey. (章鱼用它的触手吸盘捕捉猎物。)
- She knew he was a sucker for flattery, so she complimented him excessively. (她知道他容易被奉承,所以她过度地夸奖了他。)
- He's a sucker for anything shiny, always buying jewelry and gadgets. (他对任何闪闪发光的东西都情有独钟,总是买珠宝和小玩意儿。)
- She was taken in by their smooth talk, proving herself to be a sucker. (她被他们巧舌如簧的话骗住了,证明了自己是个傻瓜。)
- The plant's suckers were carefully removed to prevent them from draining its energy. (为了避免插穗消耗能量,这棵植物的吸盘被小心地去除了。)
- He fell for the scam and lost all his money. (他上当受骗,失去了所有的钱。)
- She's a sucker for a good deal, always looking for discounts and bargains. (她对好的交易情有独钟,总是寻找折扣和便宜货。)