- accurate: 准确的,精确的
- precise: 精确的,准确的
- correct: 正确的,准确的
- accuracy: 准确性,精确度
- precision: 精确度,准确度
- exactness: 准确性,精确度
inaccuracy: 不准确,错误
inexactness: 不准确,不精确
imprecision: 不精确,不准确
faultiness: 错误,不准确
correctness: 正确性
accuracy (noun)
- The accuracy of information or measurements is their quality of being true or correct, even in small details.
- If you do something with accuracy, you do it without making any mistakes.
accuracy (noun)
- The quality or state of being correct or precise.
- The degree to which the result of a measurement, calculation, or specification conforms to the correct value or a standard.
- The degree of correctness in literary or artistic representation or portrayal.
- He doubted the accuracy of the statistics. (他怀疑这些数据的准确性。)
- The machine can measure the length with great accuracy. (这台机器能以极高的准确度测量长度。)
- Make sure to check the accuracy of the translation. (务必检查翻译的准确性。)
- The map lacks accuracy in depicting the terrain. (这张地图在描绘地形时缺乏准确性。)
- We need to verify the accuracy of the data before drawing any conclusions. (在得出任何结论之前,我们需要验证数据的准确性。)
- The scientist conducted the experiment with great accuracy to ensure precise results. (科学家进行了非常准确的实验,以确保精确的结果。)
- The accuracy of the weather forecast has improved significantly in recent years. (近年来,天气预报的准确性有了显著提高。)
- Her mathematical calculations are known for their accuracy and precision. (她的数学计算以其准确性和精确度而闻名。)
- The detective's accuracy in solving crimes is unmatched. (这位侦探在破案方面的准确性是无与伦比的。)
- The accuracy of his aim impressed everyone at the shooting range. (他瞄准的准确度让射击场上的每个人都印象深刻。)
- She is known for her accuracy in recalling details from memory. (她因记忆细节的准确性而闻名。)
- The accuracy of historical records is vital for understanding the past. (历史记录的准确性对于了解过去至关重要。)
- He takes pride in the accuracy of his predictions. (他以他预测的准确性为傲。)
- The accuracy of the map's scale is crucial for navigation. (地图比例尺的准确性对于导航至关重要。)
- The company guarantees the accuracy of its products' specifications. (该公司保证其产品规格的准确性。)
- The accuracy of the experiment's results was confirmed by multiple repetitions. (通过多次重复,实验结果的准确性得到了确认。)
- He questioned the accuracy of the witness's testimony. (他质疑证人证词的准确性。)
- Journalists strive for accuracy in their reporting to maintain credibility. (记者们力求报道准确,以保持信誉。)
- The doctor assessed the patient's condition with great accuracy. (医生以极高的准确度评估了患者的状况。)
- The accuracy of the clock is synchronized with an atomic time reference. (时钟的准确度与原子时间参考同步。)
- She demonstrated exceptional accuracy in solving complex mathematical problems. (她在解决复杂的数学问题时表现出非凡的准确性。)
- The accuracy of the historical account was called into question by conflicting sources. (相互矛盾的来源質疑了历史记载的准确性。)
- His keen eye for accuracy made him an excellent editor. (他对准确性的敏锐观察力使他成为一名出色的编辑。)
- The detective's accuracy in identifying suspects led to successful arrests. (侦探对嫌疑人的准确判断导致了成功的逮捕。)