1. 有信用的;可信赖的
- trustworthy, reliable
2. 赊购的;赊销的
- on credit, on account
1. 信用;声誉
- trust, reputation
2. 学分
- unit, point
3. 赊购;赊销
- credit sale, credit purchase
信用 (trust): 强调个人或机构所拥有的良好信誉和可靠性。
声誉 (reputation): 强调个人或机构的公众形象和名声。
creditworthy: 值得信赖的
discredit: 不信任;质疑;败坏名声
creditor: 债权人;贷方
debit: 借方;借方的款项
credit limit: 信用额度
credit card: 信用卡
trust: 信任
reputation: 名声
reliability: 可靠性
doubt: 怀疑
disrepute: 声名狼藉
credit (noun)
1. If you are allowed
credit, you are allowed to pay for goods or services several weeks or months after you have received them.
Credit is used to refer to money in a bank account that can be used to buy things, or the amount of money that you have in this account.
3. If you refer to someone's
credit, you mean that they deserve to be praised or admired because of a particular achievement.
Credit is the system by which people can buy things and pay for them later.
Credit is a method of selling goods or services in which you allow people to pay several weeks or months after they have received the goods or services.
6. If you say that someone is
to their credit, you mean that they deserve to be praised because they have done something that deserves to be praised.
Credit is a unit that you earn when you complete a course at a college or university.
8. If you give
credit to someone for something, you believe or say that they deserve it.
9. If one thing is to the
credit of another, it makes the other thing seem impressive or praiseworthy.
10. If an idea or plan is
credited to someone, they are believed to be responsible for thinking of it or planning it.
Credit is a system by which you can make telephone calls and pay for them at a later time.
Credit is the state of being allowed to pay for goods or services several weeks or months after you have received them.
13. If you say that something is to your
credit, you mean that it is something that you should be proud of.
Credit is public acknowledgment or praise that you are given because of something you have done.
credit (verb)
1. If money is
credited to your bank account, it is paid into your account.
2. If you
credit a person with an achievement or if it is
credited to them, people say or believe that they were responsible for it.
3. If you
credit a good or desirable quality to someone, you believe or say that they have it.
4. If a film, book, or play is
credited to someone, they are believed to have written or produced it.
credit (noun)
1. The ability of a customer to obtain goods or services before payment, based on the trust that payment will be made in the future.
2. An entry recording a sum received, listed on the right-hand side or column of an account.
3. Public acknowledgment or praise, given or received when a person's responsibility for an action or idea becomes or is made apparent.
credit (verb)
1. Publicly acknowledge someone as a participant in the production of (something published or broadcast).
2. Add (an amount of money) to an account.
- "I will give you
credit for your hard work." (我会给你辛勤工作的认可。)
- "She has a good
credit score." (她信用记录很好。)
- "I purchased the computer
on credit." (我赊购了这台电脑。)
- "He has a high
credit limit on his credit card." (他的信用卡有很高的信用额度。)
- "I need to check my
credit balance." (我需要查一下我的信用余额。)
She has a good credit score and can easily get a loan from the bank. (她信用记录良好,可以轻松从银行贷款。)
He used his credit card to make the purchase. (他用信用卡购买了商品。)
The company offers credit to its loyal customers. (该公司为忠实客户提供赊购服务。)
His hard work deserves credit. (他的辛勤工作值得赞扬。)
I will credit the payment to your account. (我将把这笔款项记入你的账户。)
She completed the course and earned three credits. (她完成了课程,获得了三个学分。)
To her credit, she never gave up. (值得称赞的是,她从未放弃。)
The success of the project is credited to the hardworking team. (项目的成功归功于辛勤工作的团队。)
He is credited with discovering a new species. (他被认为是发现一种新物种的人。)
His positive attitude is credited with his success. (他的积极态度被认为是他成功的原因。)
I will credit your account with the refund. (我会把退款记入你的账户。)
The film is credited to a talented director. (该电影归功于一位才华横溢的导演。)
He has a good credit history with the bank. (他在银行有良好的信用记录。)
The company has a credit policy of 30 days. (该公司有一个30天的赊购政策。)
She deserves credit for her innovative ideas. (她的创新想法应该受到赞扬。)
He received credit for his contribution to the team. (他因为对团队的贡献而受到赞扬。)
The book is credited to a famous author. (这本书的作者是一位著名作家。)
Her work ethic is credited with her success. (她的职业道德被认为是她成功的原因。)
The company was discredited after the scandal. (这家公司在丑闻曝光后声誉扫地。)
He received credit from his colleagues for his excellent presentation. (他因出色的演讲受到同事们的赞扬。)
The professor is well-known and credited for his groundbreaking research. (这位教授因他开创性的研究而声名远扬。)