1. rise, increase, growth:都指数量或程度的增加,但用法略有不同。rise强调数量或程度的上升,常用于表示图表或数据的变化。increase一般指数量的增加,也可指程度或强度的增加,常用于描述统计数据或事物的变化。growth指数量或程度的增长,尤其指经济或人口的增长。
2. rise, ascent:都指向上的移动或发展。rise一般指上升或升高的动作或过程,也可指上升的程度。ascent侧重于攀登或登上的动作,也可指向上的运动。
1. sunrise: 日出
2. sunset: 日落
3. uprising: 起义,暴动
4. uprising: 起义,暴动
5. uprising: 起义,暴动
rise (rises, rising, rose, risen)
1. VERB 上升; 上涨; 增加
When something rises, it moves upwards. If the level or amount of something rises, it increases.
2. VERB 起立; 起床
When someone rises, they move from a sitting or lying position so that they are standing up.
3. VERB (感情)升起,高涨
When a feeling rises in you, it begins to develop.
4. VERB (地面)上凸,隆起
When a piece of land rises, it slopes upwards.
rise (rises, rising, rose, risen)
1. VERB 上升; 上涨; 增加
Move from a lower position to a higher one; increase in number, amount, value, etc.
2. VERB 起身; 起床
Move from a lower position to a higher one; increase in number, amount, value, etc.
3. VERB (感情)升起,高涨
Feelings or sounds become more intense or noticeable.
4. VERB (地面)上凸,隆起
A piece of land slopes upwards.
1. rise后接介词to表示上升到某个高度或达到某个程度。例如:
- The temperature will rise to 30 degrees Celsius tomorrow. (温度明天将升至30摄氏度。)
- The number of students has risen to 500. (学生人数已上升到500人。)
2. rise也可表示太阳升起或月亮升起。例如:
- The sun rises in the east. (太阳从东方升起。)
3. rise还可表示起床、起身。例如:
- She usually rises early in the morning. (她通常早上起得早。)
4. rise作名词表示上升、增长。例如:
- The rise in house prices has caused concern. (房价的上涨引起了关注。)
1. The sun rises in the east. (太阳从东方升起。)
2. The price of oil has risen by 10%. (石油价格上涨了10%。)
3. The tide is beginning to rise. (潮水开始上涨。)
4. The balloon rose slowly into the sky. (气球缓慢地上升到天空。)
5. She rose from her chair and walked towards the door. (她从椅子上站起来,走向门口。)
6. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. (太阳东升西落。)
7. His popularity has risen dramatically in recent years. (他近年来的受欢迎程度大幅度上升。)
8. The plane rose into the air and soon disappeared from sight. (飞机升空后很快从视线中消失。)
9. The temperature is expected to rise to 30 degrees tomorrow. (预计明天气温将升至30度。)
10. The level of the water is rising due to heavy rain. (由于大雨,水位正在上涨。)
11. The sun rises every morning. (太阳每天早上升起。)
12. He rose from his seat to greet the guests. (他从座位上站起来迎接客人。)
13. The tension in the room rose as the argument continued. (随着争论的继续,房间里的紧张气氛越来越高。)
14. The price of gold has risen sharply. (黄金价格大幅上涨。)
15. The river rises in the mountains. (这条河发源于山区。)
16. The popularity of online shopping has risen in recent years. (近年来,网购的流行度有所增长。)
17. She rose early to catch the first train. (她早早起来赶第一班火车。)
18. The sun rises at around 6 o'clock in the morning. (太阳大约在早上6点升起。)
19. The number of unemployed people has risen sharply. (失业人数急剧增加。)
20. The road rises steeply ahead. (前方的道路陡然上升。)