1. dawning英 [ˈdɔːnɪŋ] 美 [ˈdɔːnɪŋ]
1) 开始出现的,初现的
2) 拂晓的,破晓的
3) 新生的,朝阳的
1. dawning英 [ˈdɔːnɪŋ] 美 [ˈdɔːnɪŋ]
1) (the dawning) 黎明,拂晓
2) (a dawning) 开始,初现
1) dawn: n. 黎明,拂晓;v. 破晓,开始出现
2) sunrise: n. 日出,黎明
3) emergence: n. 出现,浮现
4) appearance: n. 外貌,出现
daybreak, sunrise, emergence, appearance
sunset, dusk
dawning (ˈdɔːnɪŋ)
1. (of a period of time or state) starting to happen or to be felt
2. (of a day) beginning to grow light after the night
dawning (ˈdɔːnɪŋ)
1. (of a day) beginning to grow light
2. (of a period of time) beginning
3. (of a feeling) beginning to be experienced
- With the dawning of a new day, hope dawned in their hearts.
- 随着新一天的来临,希望在他们心中萌生。
- As the dawning light crept across the sky, the birds began to sing.
- 随着拂晓的曙光渐渐爬过天空,鸟儿开始歌唱。
- The dawning of a new era brought about significant changes in society.
- 新时代的到来带来了社会的重大变革。
- The dawning of the Industrial Revolution marked a turning point in history.
- 工业革命的开始标志着历史的转折点。
- With the dawning of understanding, he realized the depth of his mistake.
- 随着理解的到来,他意识到了自己错误的深度。
- The dawning of a new day filled her with a sense of optimism.
- 新一天的来临使她充满了乐观。
- I woke up at the dawning to catch the first train.
- 我在黎明时分醒来,赶上了第一班火车。
- The dawning of the Renaissance brought about a great flowering of art and culture.
- 文艺复兴的到来带来了艺术和文化的极大繁荣。
- With the dawning of spring, the flowers began to bloom.
- 随着春天的来临,花朵开始绽放。
- The dawning of a new century filled people with anticipation.
- 新世纪的来临使人们充满了期待。
- The dawning of the internet age has revolutionized communication.
- 互联网时代的到来已经彻底改变了通信方式。
- With the dawning of hope, the refugees began to rebuild their lives.
- 随着希望的到来,难民们开始重建他们的生活。
- She sat by the window, watching the dawning of a new day.
- 她坐在窗前,看着新一天的到来。
- The dawning of a smile on her face brightened up the room.
- 她脸上露出的微笑照亮了整个房间。
- With the dawning of summer, the beach becomes a popular destination.
- 随着夏天的到来,海滩成为一个热门目的地。
- They stood on the hill, watching the dawning of a new era.
- 他们站在山上,目睹新时代的开始。
- The dawning of understanding brought clarity to the situation.
- 理解的到来使局势变得清晰。
- She felt a dawning sense of excitement as the concert drew closer.
- 随着音乐会的临近,她感到一种越来越强烈的兴奋。
- The dawning of a new love filled his heart with joy.
- 新的爱情的开始使他的心充满了喜悦。
- With the dawning of a new season, the leaves began to change color.
- 随着新季节的到来,树叶开始变色。