collided (verb)
collided (adjective)
collided (noun)
collide vs crash
Both words refer to a violent contact or impact. However, "collide" emphasizes the idea of two objects coming together, whereas "crash" focuses on the forceful nature of the impact.
collide vs conflict
"Collide" is used to describe a physical impact or clash, while "conflict" refers to a disagreement or clash of interests or ideas.
collide (verb)
If one vehicle or person collides with another vehicle or person, they crash into them.
Example sentence: The bus collided with a car at the junction.
In physics, if two objects collide, they hit each other with a lot of force.
collide (verb)
Hit or knock against each other with force; crash.
Example sentence: The car collided with a tree.
Conflict; be incompatible.
Example sentence: His new job collided with his family responsibilities.
collide can be used both as a transitive and intransitive verb. When used transitively, it takes a direct object.
Transitive: The car collided with the wall.
Intransitive: Two cars collided at the intersection.
- The car collided with a tree. (这辆车撞上了一棵树。)
- Two cars collided at the intersection. (两辆汽车在十字路口相撞。)
- The cyclist collided with a pedestrian. (骑自行车的人和行人发生了碰撞。)
- His new job collided with his family responsibilities. (他的新工作和家庭责任发生了冲突。)
- Her ambitions collided with the expectations of her parents. (她的志向与父母的期望发生了冲突。)
- The collision between the two cars caused significant damage. (两辆车之间的碰撞造成了重大损坏。)
- The collision of ideas led to a heated debate. (观点的冲突导致了一场激烈的辩论。)
- The collision between the two basketball players resulted in a foul. (这两名篮球运动员之间的碰撞导致了一个犯规。)
- Despite efforts to avoid it, their interests collided. (尽管努力避免,但他们的利益发生了冲突。)
- His reckless driving ultimately caused the collision. (他鲁莽的驾驶最终导致了碰撞。)
- The collision of the two particles produced a burst of energy. (这两个粒子的碰撞产生了一股能量冲击。)
- When the car collided with the wall, the airbags deployed. (当汽车撞上墙壁时,气囊弹出了。)
- They collided head-on during the race. (他们在比赛中正面相撞。)
- The two teams collided in a fierce battle for the championship. (这两支球队在争夺冠军的激烈战斗中相遇。)
- The collision of cultures created a unique blend of traditions. (不同文化的碰撞创造了独特的传统融合。)
- The collision between the truck and the motorcycle resulted in serious injuries. (卡车和摩托车之间的碰撞导致了严重的伤势。)
- His reckless behavior caused a collision with the company's policies. (他鲁莽的行为与公司的政策发生了冲突。)
- The collision between the two ideologies shaped the course of history. (这两种意识形态之间的冲突塑造了历史的进程。)
- The collision of the two trains resulted in multiple casualties. (两辆火车的碰撞导致多人伤亡。)
- In the collision with the opposing team, he sustained a minor injury. (在与对方队的碰撞中,他受了轻伤。)