1. humps
解释:a rounded protuberance found on the back of a camel or other animal, or a raised area on the surface of something
例句:The camel's humps store fat to provide energy in times of scarcity. (骆驼的驼峰储存脂肪,在食物匮乏时提供能量。)
2. humps
解释:a raised area on a road, especially one with a curved shape, that is intended to slow down traffic
例句:The new speed bumps were installed to control the speed of vehicles on the residential street. (新的减速带被安装在住宅区的道路上,以控制车辆速度。)
词语辨析:humps在这种情况下指公路上的凸起部分,与speed bumps、speed humps等意思相似。
1. humpy
解释:having many humps or raised areas
例句:The humpy landscape of the desert was dotted with cacti. (沙漠的多驼峰地形上点缀着仙人掌。)
- 1. camel - 中文:骆驼;解释:a large mammal with a hump on its back, native to arid regions of Africa and Asia.
- 2. mound - 中文:土堆;解释:a rounded mass projecting above a surface.
- 3. protuberance - 中文:隆起物;解释:a thing that protrudes from something else.
- 4. elevation - 中文:高地;解释:the action or fact of elevating or being elevated.
- 1. bumps - 中文:凸起;解释:a small swelling or protuberance on a surface.
- 2. bulge - 中文:凸起部分;解释:a rounded swelling or protuberance that distorts an otherwise flat surface.
- 3. knoll - 中文:小山;解释:a small hill or mound.
- 1. hollows - 中文:洼地;解释:a low-lying area, especially when surrounded by higher ground.
- 2. depressions - 中文:凹陷;解释:a sunken or depressed area.
- 3. valleys - 中文:山谷;解释:a low area of land between hills or mountains.
humps (名词)
1. (on animal) 驼峰;骆驼峰
2. (on surface) 凸起物;突起物
humpy (形容词)
humps (名词)
1. 驼峰;骆驼峰
2. (British English) (on road) 凸起物;隆起部分
humpy (形容词)
- The camel's humps store fat to provide energy in times of scarcity. (骆驼的驼峰储存脂肪,在食物匮乏时提供能量。)
- She carried a heavy backpack that formed a hump on her back. (她背着沉重的背包,背上隆起了一个驼峰。)
- The road had several humps to slow down speeding vehicles. (这条路上有几个凸起部分,以减缓超速车辆的速度。)
- The humpy landscape of the desert was dotted with cacti. (沙漠的多驼峰地形上点缀着仙人掌。)
- Watch out for the humps on the road! (小心路上的凸起部分!)
- She had a hunched back due to years of poor posture. (由于多年姿势不良,她有一个驼背。)
- The humps on the surface of the cake were caused by air bubbles. (蛋糕表面的凸起部分是由气泡造成的。)
- The speed humps were installed to ensure pedestrian safety in the neighborhood. (安装减速带是为了确保社区内的行人安全。)
- The camel's hump is a reservoir of fatty tissue. (骆驼的驼峰是脂肪组织的贮存器。)
- The road was bumpy, with numerous humps and potholes. (这条路颠簸不平,有很多凸起部分和坑洼。)
- The hump of the hill provided a stunning view of the valley below. (山丘的凸起部分提供了下面山谷的壮丽景色。)
- He carried a heavy load on his back, causing his spine to develop a noticeable hump. (他背负着沉重的负荷,导致他的脊柱出现明显的驼峰。)
- The speed bumps were installed to control the flow of traffic in the school zone. (安装减速带是为了控制学校区域的交通流量。)
- The humps of the camel allow it to survive in the desert for long periods without water. (骆驼的驼峰使其能够在沙漠中长时间没有水源的情况下存活。)
- The road humps were painted with bright yellow stripes for better visibility. (为了更好的可见性,公路凸起部分被涂上了鲜黄色条纹。)
- The humpback whale is known for its distinctive hump-shaped back. (座头鲸以其独特的驼峰形背部而闻名。)
- She had a hump on her shoulder from carrying heavy bags every day. (她每天背着沉重的包,肩膀上有一个隆起。)
- The vehicle went over the speed bumps slowly to avoid any damage. (车辆慢慢通过减速带,以避免任何损坏。)
- The humpy surface of the road made for a bumpy ride. (路面的凸起部分使得行驶起来颠簸不平。)
- He had a noticeable hunch in his back, causing his posture to appear slouched. (他的背部有一个明显的驼背,导致他的姿势看起来佝偻。)
- The speed humps were effective in reducing the speed of vehicles in the residential area. (减速带在减缓住宅区车辆速度方面非常有效。)