1. 没有底的,无底的。
2. 无底洞的,深不可测的。
3. 无尽的,无穷的。
1. 无底洞。
2. 无尽之物。
unfathomable, immeasurable, infinite, limitless
shallow, finite, limited
- If you describe a hole, pit, or problem as bottomless, you mean that it seems to have no end or no solution.
- If you describe a supply of something as bottomless, you mean that it seems to be never-ending.
- A bottomless pit or hole is one that is extremely deep.
- If you describe something as a bottomless well or as bottomless, you mean that there seems to be no end or limit to it.
- (of a container) having no bottom.
- very deep.
- very great; without limit.
- a very deep or seemingly bottomless hole.
- the quality of having no limit.
1. The ocean seemed bottomless as the divers descended into the depths.
2. The company's resources seemed bottomless, allowing them to continue expanding.
3. The bottomless pit in the cave was rumored to lead to another world.
4. She felt like she was falling into a bottomless well of despair.
5. The bottomless nature of the problem made it difficult to find a solution.
- The pond was so deep that it appeared bottomless. (这个池塘太深了,看起来好像没有底。)
- His appetite seemed bottomless as he devoured plate after plate of food. (他的食欲似乎无穷无尽,他一盘接一盘地吃。)
- She stared into his bottomless eyes, feeling as if she could get lost in them. (她凝视着他那双深不见底的眼睛,感觉自己好像会迷失在其中。)
- The bottomless pit in the cave was said to be haunted by evil spirits. (据说洞穴中的无底洞里有邪灵出没。)
- The company's bottomless well of funding allowed them to develop new products quickly. (公司源源不断的资金使得他们能够快速开发新产品。)
- She fell into a bottomless depression after losing her job. (她失业后陷入了无尽的抑郁。)
- The bottomless nature of the task made it challenging to complete on time. (任务的无限性使得按时完成变得具有挑战性。)
- His bottomless generosity was appreciated by everyone who knew him. (他无穷无尽的慷慨受到了所有认识他的人的赞赏。)
- The explorers descended into the bottomless abyss, unsure of what they would find. (探险者们下降到了那个深不见底的深渊,不确定他们会发现什么。)
- Her thirst for knowledge seemed bottomless as she devoured book after book. (她对知识的渴望似乎无穷无尽,她一本接一本地阅读。)
- Despite his bottomless wealth, he lived a modest and simple life. (尽管他财富无穷,但他过着简朴而简单的生活。)
- The bottomless well of creativity within her allowed her to produce beautiful artwork. (她内心无尽的创造力使她能够创作出美丽的艺术品。)
- The bottomless generosity of the community helped support those in need. (社区的无限慷慨帮助了有需要的人。)
- After hours of digging, they finally reached the bottomless pit. (经过数小时的挖掘,他们终于到达了那个深不见底的坑。)
- The bottomless depths of the ocean hold many mysteries yet to be discovered. (大海深处有许多尚未被发现的奥秘。)
- Her bottomless appetite for success drove her to work tirelessly towards her goals. (她对成功的无穷渴望驱使她不辞劳苦地为目标而奋斗。)
- The bottomless well of ideas in his mind made him a creative force to be reckoned with. (他脑海中无穷无尽的思维使他成为了一个不可忽视的创造力量。)
- They gazed up at the bottomless expanse of the night sky, filled with wonder. (他们仰望着那个无边无际的夜空,充满了惊奇。)
- The bottomless sorrow in her eyes was evident to anyone who looked at her. (她眼中无尽的悲伤对任何看到她的人来说都是显而易见的。)
- As she spoke, her bottomless anger became apparent to everyone in the room. (她说话的时候,她无尽的愤怒对在场的每个人都变得明显起来。)
- The bottomless hunger in his stomach drove him to devour everything in sight. (他胃中无穷无尽的饥饿驱使他吞噬眼前的一切。)