1. pigs /pɪɡz/ - 猪的,猪肉的
2. piggy /ˈpɪɡi/ - 猪般的,像猪一样的
1. pigs /pɪɡz/ - 猪,猪肉,猪饲养场
2. piglet /ˈpɪɡlɪt/ - 小猪,小猪肉
3. pigsty /ˈpɪɡsti/ - 猪圈,肮脏的地方
4. pig iron /ˈpɪɡ ˈaɪərn/ - 生铁,初级铁
5. guinea pig /ˈɡɪni ˈpɪɡ/ - 豚鼠,试验品
6. piggy bank /ˈpɪɡi bæŋk/ - 存钱罐
7. pigskin /ˈpɪɡˌskɪn/ - 猪皮,猪皮制品
8. pigtail /ˈpɪɡteɪl/ - 辫子,猪尾巴
1. Pig / Hog / Swine
1. pigheaded /ˌpɪɡˈhɛdɪd/ - 顽固的,固执的
2. pigsty /ˈpɪɡsti/ - 肮脏的地方,杂乱无章的地方
3. pigmentation /ˌpɪɡmɛnˈteɪʃən/ - 色素沉着,色素
4. piggish /ˈpɪɡɪʃ/ - 贪吃的,似猪的
5. pigskin /ˈpɪɡˌskɪn/ - 猪皮,猪皮制品
6. piggyback /ˈpɪɡiˌbæk/ - 背着,搭乘
7. piglet /ˈpɪɡlɪt/ - 小猪
8. pigmentation /ˌpɪɡmɛnˈteɪʃən/ - 色素沉着,色素
1. swine /swaɪn/ - 猪,畜生
2. hog /hɒɡ/ - 猪,猪肉
3. piggy /ˈpɪɡi/ - 猪一样的,贪婪的
4. porker /ˈpɔrkər/ - 肥猪,胖猪
5. sow /saʊ/ - 母猪
6. boar /bɔr/ - 公猪,野猪
1. vegetarian /ˌvɛdʒəˈtɛəriən/ - 素食主义者
2. vegan /ˈviːɡən/ - 严格素食主义者
1. pigs /pɪɡz/ - noun
a. (informal) A pig is a farm animal with short legs, a fat body, and a curved tail. Pigs are often pink and hairy.
b. (informal) If you call someone a pig, you disapprove of them because they are very unpleasant or greedy.
2. pig /pɪɡ/ - noun
a. (informal) If you describe a place as a pigsty, you mean that it is very untidy or dirty.
b. (informal) If someone is in a pigsty, they are in a state of confusion or disorder.
c. (informal) If someone makes a pig of themselves, they eat a lot of food, especially in a greedy or disgusting way.
3. pig /pɪɡ/ - verb
If someone pigs out, they eat a lot of food, especially in a greedy or disgusting way.
1. pigs /pɪɡz/ - noun
a. A pig is a farm animal that is kept for its meat. Pigs are pink and have curly tails.
b. (British, informal) If you say that someone is a pig, you are criticizing them because they are behaving in an unpleasant, greedy, or disgusting way.
2. pig /pɪɡ/ - noun
a. (informal) A pigsty is a place that is very dirty or untidy.
b. (informal) If someone is in a pigsty, they are in a very dirty or untidy state.
c. (informal) If someone makes a pig of themselves, they eat too much food in a greedy or disgusting way.
3. pig /pɪɡ/ - verb
(informal) If someone pigs out, they eat a lot of food in a greedy or disgusting way.
1. Pigs are often raised for their meat and are a common farm animal. - 猪经常被饲养以供人们食用,是一种常见的农场动物。
2. Don't be such a pig and leave some food for others. - 别这么贪婪,留点食物给别人吧。
3. The room was a pigsty, with clothes and papers scattered everywhere. - 房间里的东西到处都是,乱七八糟的。
4. After the party, the kitchen was a complete pigsty. - 派对过后,厨房一片狼藉。
5. He made a pig of himself at the buffet, eating plate after plate of food. - 他在自助餐上狼吞虎咽,一盘接一盘地吃。
6. We pigged out on pizza and ice cream at the sleepover. - 我们在通宵聚会上狂吃比萨和冰淇淋。
7. The children loved feeding the piglets at the farm. - 孩子们喜欢在农场喂小猪。
- We raise pigs on our farm and sell the meat to local markets. - 我们在农场养猪,并将猪肉卖给当地市场。
- He's such a pig, always eating everyone else's food. - 他真是个猪,总是吃别人的东西。
- Their house was a pigsty, with dirty dishes and clothes scattered everywhere. - 他们的房子乱七八糟,到处都是脏盘子和衣服。
- She pigged out on chocolate and ended up feeling sick. - 她大吃巧克力,结果感到恶心。
- The piglets are so cute, with their pink snouts and curly tails. - 小猪仔太可爱了,粉红的鼻子和卷曲的尾巴。
- My brother always acts like a pig, eating all the snacks without sharing. - 我弟弟总是像只猪一样,吃掉所有的零食而不分享。
- We had a pig roast for the family gathering, and everyone enjoyed the delicious pork. - 我们举行了一次家庭聚会,烤了一只猪,大家都喜欢那美味的猪肉。
- The pigskin is used to make leather goods such as bags and wallets. - 猪皮被用来制作皮包和钱包等皮革制品。
- She tied her hair in a pigtail and put on a straw hat. - 她把头发扎成辫子,戴上一顶草帽。
- They conducted experiments on guinea pigs to test the new drug. - 他们对豚鼠进行实验,测试新药的效果。
- He saved all his pocket money in a piggy bank. - 他把所有的零花钱都存进了一个存钱罐。
- The pig farmer feeds the pigs twice a day to ensure their growth. - 养猪场主每天给猪喂食两次,以确保它们的生长。
- She has a pigmentation disorder that causes patches of dark skin. - 她患有色素沉着症,导致皮肤有暗斑。
- They went for a ride on the piggyback of their father. - 他们骑在父亲的背上兜风。
- Please be careful not to pull the pig's tail, as it may hurt the animal. - 请小心不要拉猪的尾巴,会伤到它。
- He wore a pig mask for the costume party and entertained everyone. - 他在化装舞会上戴着猪面具,逗乐了大家。
- The children enjoyed painting pictures of pigs at the art class. - 孩子们在美术课上喜欢画猪的图片。
- The pig iron is used as a raw material in steel production. - 生铁被用作钢铁生产的原材料。
- The little girl squealed with delight when she saw the piglets. - 小女孩看到小猪时高兴地尖叫起来。
- He pigged out on burgers and fries at the fast food restaurant. - 他在快餐店大吃汉堡和薯条。
- The pigsty smelled awful, and I couldn't stand being near it. - 猪圈闻起来很难闻,我无法接近。