形容词: 1. severance (adj.): 分离的,分开的,隔离的2. severance (adj.): 断绝的,终止的
名词: 1. severance (n.): 分离,分开,隔离
2. severance (n.): 断绝,终止
3. severance (n.): 分手费,遣散费
1. severance package: 分手费,遣散费(在员工离职时公司支付的一笔补偿) 2. severance pay: 遣散费(雇主支付给被解雇员工的一笔补偿) 3. severance agreement: 遣散协议(雇主与员工达成的一项协议,规定离职员工的权益和补偿) 4. severance tax: 分离税(某些国家对于资源开采或生产过程中的分离动作征收的税收) 5. severance of joint tenancy: 共有财产分割(指共同所有权的财产在某个共有人死亡后分割的行为) 6. severance of contract: 合同解除(指合同双方经协商一致决定终止合同关系)近义词:
1. separation: 分离,分开 2. disconnection: 断开,分离 3. detachment: 分离,分开 4. isolation: 隔离,孤立反义词:
1. connection: 连接,联系 2. union: 联合,结合 3. attachment: 附着,连接柯林斯词典:
名词: 1. Severance is the act of ending a connection or relationship.断绝,终止 2. Severance is the act of cutting off something, especially in a surgical operation.
(尤指手术中的)切断,切除 3. Severance is a sum of money that is paid to someone when they are made redundant.
遣散费,分手费 形容词: Severance means relating to severance or to the payment of severance money.
名词: 1. The action of ending a connection or relationship.断绝,终止 2. The action of cutting off something.
切断,切除 3. A sum of money paid to someone when they are made redundant.
遣散费,分手费 形容词: Relating to severance or to the payment of severance money.
名词用法: 1. receive/seek/get severance: 领取/寻求/得到遣散费 2. pay/offer/award severance: 支付/提供/授予遣散费 3. negotiate/agree on severance: 协商/达成关于遣散费的协议 4. a severance package/agreement: 遣散费/协议 5. severance pay/compensation: 遣散费/补偿金 6. a severance payment/redundancy payment: 遣散费/失业补偿金 形容词用法: 1. severance payment/package/compensation: 遣散费/补偿金/分手费 2. severance benefits: 遣散福利 3. severance agreement/contract: 遣散协议/合同 4. severance pay/allowance: 遣散费/津贴例句:
1. The severance between the two countries has been growing wider over the years.这两个国家之间的分离已经逐渐加大。 2. The surgeon performed the severance of the nerve during the operation.
外科医生在手术中切断了神经。 3. The company provides a generous severance package for its employees.
公司为员工提供丰厚的分手费。 4. He negotiated a fair severance agreement with his former employer.
他与前雇主协商了一个公平的遣散协议。 5. The union fought for better severance benefits for its members.
工会为会员争取更好的遣散福利。 6. The company paid him a substantial severance pay after he was laid off.
公司在他被解雇后支付了他一笔可观的遣散费。 7. She received a severance payment of $10,000 when she left the company.
她离开公司时获得了一笔1万美元的遣散费。 8. The severance of their partnership was inevitable due to their constant disagreements.
由于他们不断的分歧,他们的合伙关系的解除是不可避免的。 9. After the severance, they went their separate ways and never saw each other again.
分离后,他们各自走上了不同的道路,再也没有见面。 10. The severance of the umbilical cord marks the beginning of an individual's independent life.
脐带的断开标志着个体独立生活的开始。 其他例句: 11. The company announced that it would be making severance payments to all employees affected by the downsizing.
公司宣布将向所有受到裁员影响的员工支付遣散费。 12. The severance of the joint tenancy allowed each co-owner to hold their share of the property individually.
共有财产的分割使每个共有人可以单独持有他们的份额。 13. She sought legal advice regarding the severance of her business partnership.
她就她的商业合伙关系的解除征求了法律意见。 14. The government imposed a severance tax on oil production in an effort to increase revenue.
政府对石油生产征收了一项分离税,以增加收入。 15. The company provided a generous severance package for employees who were laid off due to the economic downturn.
公司为因经济衰退而被解雇的员工提供了慷慨的分手费。 16. After the severance of their relationship, they remained friends and supported each other.
在他们的关系解除后,他们依然是朋友并互相支持。 17. He received a severance payment of six months' salary after being made redundant.
他在被解雇后获得了六个月工资的遣散费。 18. The severance agreement outlined the terms and conditions of their separation.
遣散协议详细说明了他们分手的条款和条件。 19. The severance of their partnership was a difficult decision, but it was necessary for their individual growth.
他们合伙关系的解除是一个艰难的决定,但对于他们个人的成长来说是必要的。 20. The severance between the two departments resulted in a breakdown of communication and collaboration.