- muffled - adj. 被隔音的,被消音的
- muffle - n. 隔音物,消音器
muffle 和 dampen 的区别:
muffle 指隔绝声音的传播,使之变得柔和或不易被听到;dampen 指减弱声音的响亮程度,使之变得轻柔或不那么吵闹。
相关词汇:mute, silence, quiet, hush
muffle 的近义词包括:dampen, smother, stifle, suppress
muffle 的反义词为:amplify, enhance, intensify
muffle (verb)
If you muffle a sound, you make it quieter and less easy to hear by covering or wrapping something around it.
muffle (noun)
A muffler is a device that is attached to the exhaust pipe of a motor vehicle in order to make it quieter.
muffle (verb)
Wrap or cover for warmth. Deaden or reduce the noise or intensity of.
muffle (noun)
A thing that wraps or covers something else to deaden or prevent sound.
1. She muffled her head in a scarf to protect herself from the cold wind.
2. The protesters muffled their voices as they approached the government building.
3. The sound of the fireworks was muffled by the heavy rain.
4. He wore a muffler around his neck to keep warm in the winter.
5. The car's muffler needs to be replaced as it is making a lot of noise.
- He muffled his laughter with his hand. 他用手捂住嘴,不让自己笑出声。
- I could hear muffled voices coming from inside the room. 我听到房间里传来了压低的声音。
- The baby's cries were muffled by the thick blankets. 厚厚的毯子把婴儿的哭声隔绝了。
- She wrapped a scarf around her face to muffle the biting wind. 她用围巾将脸裹起来,以阻挡寒风。
- The protesters muffled their chants as they approached the police barricades. 抗议者靠近警察防线时压低了口号声。
- He put a muffler on his motorcycle to reduce the noise. 他给摩托车装了消音器,以减少噪音。
- The sound of the waves was muffled by the fog. 海浪的声音被雾气所消减。
- She wore a woolen muffler around her neck to keep warm. 她脖子上戴着毛线围巾来保暖。
- The muffled sound of footsteps could be heard from upstairs. 楼上传来压低的脚步声。
- The singer's voice was muffled by the poor sound system. 歌手的声音被糟糕的音响系统所淹没。
- He muffled his excitement and tried to act calm. 他压抑住兴奋,尽量保持冷静。
- The muffled beat of drums echoed through the valley. 隆隆的鼓声在山谷回荡。
- She muffled her sobs with a pillow so that no one would hear. 她用枕头抑制住啜泣声,以免被人听到。
- The sound of traffic was muffled by the closed windows. 由于窗户关闭,交通声减弱了。
- He muffled his words so that only she could hear. 他压低声音,只让她能听到。
- The child muffled his laughter with his hand. 孩子用手捂住嘴以控制笑声。
- The muffled sound of thunder rolled across the sky. 隆隆的雷声在天空中回荡。
- The orchestra played softly, muffled by the velvet curtains. 管弦乐队轻柔地演奏着,被丝绒帷幕所隔离。
- The muffled sounds of gunfire could be heard in the distance. 远处传来压低的枪声。
- She wrapped a scarf around her ears to muffle the noise. 她在耳朵上缠了围巾,以减低噪音。