1. 形容词
unsteady [ʌnˈstɛdi]
1) 不稳定的
- The table is unsteady and might fall over. (桌子不稳定,可能会倒下。)
- Her unsteady voice betrayed her nervousness. (她颤抖的声音暴露了她的紧张情绪。)
2) 不坚定的
- His unsteady commitment to the project caused delays. (他对该项目的不稳定承诺导致了延迟。)
- The politician's unsteady stance on the issue alienated many voters. (政治家在该问题上的不坚定立场疏远了许多选民。)
2. 名词
unsteady [ˈʌnˈstɛdi]
1) 不稳定的状态
- The economy is in an unsteady state due to the ongoing crisis. (由于持续的危机,经济处于不稳定状态。)
- He couldn't maintain his balance due to his unsteady footing. (由于站稳不稳,他无法保持平衡。)
3. 词语辨析
unsteady vs. unstable
中文翻译:不稳定的 vs. 不稳定的
4. 近义词
unsteady的近义词包括:shaky, unstable, insecure, wobbly
5. 反义词
6. 柯林斯词典
unsteady [ʌnˈstɛdi]
- If someone is unsteady, they have difficulty in moving or standing steadily.
- If an object or surface is unsteady, it shakes or moves, and so is difficult to hold, walk on, or sit on without falling.
- If a person's voice is unsteady, it does not sound firm and is likely to change or tremble.
7. 牛津词典
unsteady [ʌnˈstɛdi]
- Not firmly or solidly positioned; unstable.
- Not constant or regular; changeable.
- Not controlled or reliable; erratic.
8. 用法
- The table is unsteady and might fall over. (桌子不稳定,可能会倒下。)
- Her unsteady voice betrayed her nervousness. (她颤抖的声音暴露了她的紧张情绪。)
- His unsteady commitment to the project caused delays. (他对该项目的不稳定承诺导致了延迟。)
- The politician's unsteady stance on the issue alienated many voters. (政治家在该问题上的不坚定立场疏远了许多选民。)
- The economy is in an unsteady state due to the ongoing crisis. (由于持续的危机,经济处于不稳定状态。)
- He couldn't maintain his balance due to his unsteady footing. (由于站稳不稳,他无法保持平衡。)
- She walked unsteadily along the narrow ledge. (她在狭窄的岩石边缘上摇摇晃晃地走着。)
- The old man's unsteady hands made it difficult for him to write. (老人颤抖的手使他很难书写。)
- Her unsteady gaze shifted from person to person in the room. (她不稳定的目光在房间里的人们之间转移。)
- The unsteady rhythm of the music made it hard to dance to. (音乐的不稳定节奏使得跳舞很困难。)
- He blamed his unsteady performance on lack of practice. (他把自己表现的不稳定归咎于缺乏练习。)
- She leaned against the unsteady fence for support. (她倚靠不稳定的篱笆以获得支撑。)
- The baby took unsteady steps as she learned to walk. (婴儿在学步时迈着不稳定的步子。)
- The unsteady flow of traffic caused congestion on the highway. (交通的不稳定流动导致了公路上的拥堵。)
- He tried to regain his balance on the unsteady ground. (他试图在不稳定的地面上重新恢复平衡。)
- Her unsteady emotions made it difficult to concentrate on her work. (她不稳定的情绪使得她难以集中精力工作。)
- The unsteady relationship between the two countries led to diplomatic tensions. (两国间不稳定的关系导致了外交紧张局势。)
- The unsteady flame of the candle flickered in the breeze. (蜡烛的不稳定火焰在微风中摇曳。)
- He could feel the unsteady beat of his heart as he anxiously waited for the results. (他焦虑地等待着结果时,能感受到自己心脏的不稳定跳动。)
- The unsteady economy has created uncertainty for businesses. (不稳定的经济给企业带来了不确定性。)
- She gripped the unsteady railing tightly to avoid falling down the stairs. (她紧紧抓住不稳定的栏杆以免摔下楼梯。)