balk [bɔːk]- 1. 障碍;阻碍
- 2. (棒球)投手的保龄板
balk [bɔːk]- 1. (马)突然停止,犹豫不前
- 2. (因为困难或不安)不愿继续;犹豫
balked [bɔːkt]- 1. 犹豫不决的;不愿继续的
- 2. 受阻的;受阻碍的
- verb: hesitate, resist
- noun: barrier, hindrance
obstacle, hindrance, impediment, barrier, obstruction反义词
advantage, assistance, facilitation柯林斯词典
balk (bɔːk)
1. noun
If you balk at something, you definitely do not want to do it or to let it happen.
2. verb
If you balk at something, you definitely do not want to do it or to let it happen.
balk (bɔːk)
1. noun
An illegal motion by the pitcher with a runner on base, as a pitch in a different direction from that signaled by the catcher.
2. verb
Hesitate or be unwilling to accept an idea or undertaking.
- The team faced several balks on their way to the championship. (球队在赛季中遇到了几个阻碍)
- She balked at the idea of moving to a new city. (她对搬到新城市的想法犹豫不决)
- He balked when asked to pay for the damages. (当要求他支付损坏费用时,他拒绝了)
- 1. Despite his initial hesitation, he did not balk at the challenge. (尽管最初有些犹豫,但他并没有对这个挑战退缩)
- 2. The company faced numerous balks in its attempt to expand into foreign markets. (该公司在试图进入海外市场时面临着许多障碍)
- 3. The pitcher was called for a balk during the game. (在比赛中,投手被判犯规)
- 4. The horse balked at the jump and refused to continue. (马在跳跃时停住了,不肯继续前进)
- 5. He balked when asked to sign the contract. (当要求他签署合同时,他犹豫了)
- 6. The government's plans to increase taxes were met with balks from the public. (政府增税的计划遭到了公众的阻力)
- 7. The team's progress was balked by a series of injuries. (球队的进展因一连串的伤病而受阻)
- 8. She balked at the idea of skydiving. (她对跳伞的想法犹豫不决)
- 9. The horse balked at the sight of the water. (马一见到水就停住了)
- 10. The company balked at the high cost of the project. (公司对项目的高昂成本犹豫不决)
- 11. She balked when asked to share her personal information. (当要求共享个人信息时,她犹豫了)
- 12. The government's plans were balked by opposition from various groups. (政府的计划因各方面的反对而受阻)
- 13. The team's progress was balked by a lack of funding. (球队的进展因缺乏资金而受阻)
- 14. He balked at the idea of working overtime. (他对加班的想法犹豫不决)
- 15. The horse balked at the unfamiliar trail. (马对陌生的小道犹豫不前)
- 16. The company balked at the demands of the union. (公司对工会的要求犹豫不决)
- 17. She balked when asked to speak in public. (当要求她在公开场合讲话时,她犹豫了)
- 18. The government's plans were balked by legal challenges. (政府的计划因法律挑战而受阻)
- 19. The team's progress was balked by bad weather. (球队的进展因天气恶劣而受阻)
- 20. He balked at the suggestion of changing careers. (当建议他换个职业时,他犹豫了)