camber (noun)
- If a road or track has a camber, it is higher in the middle than at the sides in order to help water flow away from the middle. (如果道路或赛道有曲线,中间部分较高,便于水从中间流走。)
- A camber is a slight upward curve in the middle of a surface, such as a road or roof. (弯曲是指表面的中间有轻微的向上弯曲,例如道路或屋顶。)
camber (noun)
- A slight upward curve to the surface of a road, path, or other long, narrow raised area. (道路、路径或其他长而狭窄的凸起区域的表面有轻微的向上弯曲。)
- The race track has a slight camber to it, making it more challenging for the drivers. (赛道有一点点的曲率,使得对车手来说更具挑战性。)
- The road has a negative camber on the bends, making it difficult to maintain grip. (弯道上的道路有负曲率,使得保持抓地力变得困难。)
- The cambered surface of the airplane wing helps create lift. (飞机机翼的弯曲表面有助于产生升力。)
- The skater performed a perfect jump with a slight camber in the air. (滑冰者在空中完成了一个完美的跳跃,有着轻微的弯曲。)
- The road has a gentle camber to ensure rainwater drains away easily. (道路有一个温和的曲率,以确保雨水能够轻松排走。)
- The car's camber angle was adjusted to improve its handling. (汽车的曲率角被调整以改善操控性。)
- The bridge has a cambered design to withstand heavy loads. (这座桥采用了弯曲的设计以承受重载。)
- The cyclist adjusted the camber of his bike tires for better grip on the wet road. (骑自行车的人调整了他的自行车轮胎的曲率,以在湿滑的道路上获得更好的抓地力。)
- The roof has a slight camber to prevent water from pooling. (屋顶上有一个轻微的曲率,以防止水积聚。)
- The road's camber helps to prevent flooding during heavy rain. (道路的曲率有助于防止暴雨时的洪水。)
- The car's suspension system was adjusted to correct the camber. (汽车的悬挂系统被调整以纠正曲率。)
- The track has a camberless design for improved speed and stability. (这个赛道采用了无曲率的设计,以提高速度和稳定性。)
- The skateboarder executed a trick on the camberless ramp. (滑板运动员在没有曲率的斜坡上完成了一个技巧。)
- The road's camber needs to be adjusted to prevent water pooling. (需要调整道路的曲率以防止水积聚。)
- The bridge's camber was carefully calculated to ensure structural integrity. (桥梁的曲线经过精确计算,以确保结构完整性。)
- The car's camber angle was increased to improve cornering performance. (汽车的曲率角被增加以改善转弯性能。)
- The skier navigated the cambered slope with ease. (滑雪者轻松地穿越了有曲率的斜坡。)
- The road has a camber that helps to channel rainwater to the sides. (道路有一个曲率,有助于引导雨水流向两侧。)
- The bike's cambered frame allows for better maneuverability. (自行车的弯曲车架可以实现更好的操控性。)
- The road has a gentle camber that allows for smooth driving. (道路有一个温和的曲度,可以使驾驶更加平稳。)
- The car's wheels were aligned to correct the camber. (汽车的轮子被调整以纠正曲率。)