形容词 (Adjective)
- dangerous: 危险的
名词 (Noun)
- danger: 危险
dangerous 与 danger 的区别在于,前者是形容词,用于描述事物的特性,而后者是名词,指的是存在的危险。
与 "dangers" 相关的词汇:
- peril: 危险
- hazard: 危险
- threat: 威胁
- risk: 风险
- menace: 威胁
- jeopardy: 危险
- perilous: 危险的
- unsafe: 不安全的
- harmful: 有害的
近义词 (Synonyms)
- hazard
- jeopardy
- peril
- risk
- menace
- threat
反义词 (Antonyms)
- safety: 安全
- security: 安全
- protection: 保护
柯林斯词典 (Collins Dictionary)
dangers (noun) - the state of being vulnerable to harm, injury, or loss
牛津词典 (Oxford Dictionary)
dangers (noun) - the possibility of suffering harm or injury
dangerous 是形容词,用于描述具有潜在危险的事物。例如:
- Swimming in the sea during a storm is dangerous.
- Driving without a seatbelt is dangerous.
danger 是名词,指的是存在的危险。例如:
- We should be aware of the dangers of smoking.
- There are many dangers associated with extreme sports.
- Be careful when crossing the road; there are many dangers you need to watch out for. (注意过马路时要小心,有许多你需要注意的危险。)
- It is important to be aware of the dangers of excessive sun exposure. (意识到过度暴露在阳光下的危险是很重要的。)
- The workers were exposed to dangerous chemicals without proper protective equipment. (工人们在没有适当的防护装备的情况下接触到了危险的化学物质。)
- She took on the dangerous task of diffusing the bomb. (她承担了拆除炸弹的危险任务。)
- The danger of driving under the influence of alcohol cannot be overstated. (酒后驾车的危险性不可低估。)
- He bravely faced the danger to save the drowning child. (他勇敢地面对危险,拯救了那个溺水的孩子。)
- The climbers were well aware of the dangers that awaited them on the treacherous mountain. (登山者们对在危险的山上等待他们的危险有深刻的认识。)
- The sign warned of the dangerous cliff ahead. (标志警告前方有危险的悬崖。)
- The hiker got lost in the forest and was in danger of running out of food and water. (迷路的徒步旅行者面临着食物和水源耗尽的危险。)
- He was well aware of the dangers involved in the experiment, but he proceeded with caution. (他很清楚实验中的危险,但他小心进行。)
- The police officer put his life in jeopardy to protect the innocent civilians. (警察将自己的生命置于危险中,保护无辜的市民。)
- The menace of climate change requires urgent action from all nations. (气候变化的威胁需要各国紧急采取行动。)
- She faced the peril of losing her job if she didn't meet the deadline. (如果她没有按时完成任务,她将面临失业的危险。)
- Entering the abandoned building without proper equipment is a risk to your safety. (没有适当装备进入废弃建筑物是对你安全的风险。)
- They warned of the threat of a potential terrorist attack. (他们警告可能发生的恐怖袭击的威胁。)
- The hiker was in peril as he hung from the cliff, but luckily, he was rescued. (那位徒步旅行者悬挂在悬崖上,处于危险之中,但幸运的是,他被救了出来。)
- Using your phone while driving is a hazard that can lead to accidents. (开车时使用手机是可能导致事故的危险行为。)
- The construction site poses dangers to the workers if proper safety measures are not followed. (如果没有采取适当的安全措施,建筑工地对工人们来说是危险的。)
- The doctor explained the risks associated with the surgery before the patient made a decision. (医生在病人做出决定之前解释了手术的风险。)
- Wearing a helmet while cycling reduces the danger of head injuries. (骑自行车时戴头盔能减少头部受伤的危险。)
- The government issued a warning about the perilous conditions on the roads during the heavy snowfall. (政府对大雪天路况的危险发出了警告。)
- Ignoring the safety regulations puts workers in an unsafe environment. (忽视安全规定会使工人置身于不安全的环境中。)
- Exposure to asbestos can have harmful effects on a person's health. (暴露在石棉中对人体健康有害。)