- thick - 厚的
- thin - 薄的
- tall - 高的
- short - 矮的
- tar - 焦油
- traffic and road signs - 交通和道路标志
- teacher assessment and reporting system - 教师评估和报告系统
- Technical Automated Refuelling System - 技术自动加油系统
- tar - pitch, bitumen
- traffic signs - road signs, traffic signals
- teacher assessment and reporting system - teacher evaluation system
- Technical Automated Refuelling System - automated refuelling system
- thin - thick
- tall - short
柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary)
TARS [noun]
- Abbreviation for Technical Automated Refuelling System.
- Abbreviation for teacher assessment and reporting system.
牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary)
TARS [noun]
- Abbreviation for Technical Automated Refuelling System.
- These traffic signs provide important information for drivers. 这些交通标志为驾驶员提供重要信息。
- The school implemented a new teacher assessment and reporting system. 学校实施了一套新的教师评估和报告系统。
- The military is testing a new Technical Automated Refuelling System. 军方正在测试一种新的技术自动加油系统。
- The road was covered in tar. 这条路上铺满了焦油。
- The traffic signs alerted drivers to the upcoming construction zone. 交通标志提醒驾驶员即将进入施工区。
- The school implemented a new teacher assessment and reporting system to improve accountability. 学校实施了一套新的教师评估和报告系统,以提高问责能力。
- The Technical Automated Refuelling System allows for faster and more efficient refuelling of vehicles. 技术自动加油系统可以更快速、更高效地给车辆加油。
- The road crew applied a fresh layer of tar to repair the potholes. 道路工作人员涂上了一层新的焦油来修补坑洞。
- Drivers should pay attention to traffic and road signs for safety. 驾驶员应注意交通和道路标志以确保安全。
- The school district implemented the teacher assessment and reporting system to track student progress. 学区实施了教师评估和报告系统,以追踪学生的进展。
- The new Technical Automated Refuelling System reduces the risk of fuel spills during refuelling. 新的技术自动加油系统减少了加油过程中的燃油泄漏风险。
- The driveway was sealed with a layer of tar to protect it from damage. 车道上涂了一层焦油以保护它免受损坏。
- Drivers should familiarize themselves with traffic signs to ensure compliance with road regulations. 驾驶员应熟悉交通标志,以确保遵守道路规定。
- The school uses the teacher assessment and reporting system to track student performance. 学校使用教师评估和报告系统来跟踪学生的表现。
- The Technical Automated Refuelling System has improved the efficiency of refuelling operations. 技术自动加油系统提高了加油作业的效率。
- The smell of fresh tar filled the air near the road construction site. 新鲜焦油的气味弥漫在道路施工现场附近。
- Drivers should follow the traffic and road signs for proper navigation. 驾驶员应遵循交通和道路标志进行正确的导航。
- The teacher assessment and reporting system allows educators to track student progress more effectively. 教师评估和报告系统使教育工作者能更有效地跟踪学生的进步。
- The Technical Automated Refuelling System is being installed at gas stations across the country. 技术自动加油系统正在全国的加油站安装。
- The tar on the road started melting under the scorching sun. 路上的焦油在炎热的阳光下开始融化。
- Drivers must obey traffic signs to ensure the safety of all road users. 驾驶员必须遵守交通标志,以确保所有道路使用者的安全。
- The school district implemented a new teacher assessment and reporting system to provide more accurate student evaluations. 学区实施了一套新的教师评估和报告系统,以提供更准确的学生评估。
- The Technical Automated Refuelling System has revolutionized the refuelling process in the aviation industry. 技术自动加油系统在航空业的加油过程中引起了革命性的变化。
- Workers applied a fresh layer of tar to the roof to prevent leaks. 工人在屋顶上涂上了一层新的焦油以防止漏水。