1. 吸引人的;迷人的
Her alluring smile caught the attention of everyone in the room.(她迷人的微笑吸引了房间里所有人的注意力。)
He was drawn to her alluring beauty.(他被她迷人的美丽所吸引。)
1. 迷人的事物;诱人的特质
The city's vibrant nightlife is one of its allures.(这座城市充满活力的夜生活是它的吸引之一。)
She used her allures to manipulate others.(她利用自己的诱惑力来操控他人。)
1. alluring vs. attractive
She has an alluring personality that attracts people to her.(她有一种迷人的个性,吸引着人们靠近她。)
The painting is attractive with its vibrant colors.(这幅画色彩鲜艳,具有吸引力。)
1. allurement
The allurements of fame and fortune often lead people astray.(名利的诱惑常常使人误入歧途。)
1. attractive
She is an attractive woman with a kind heart.(她是一位有着善良心灵的迷人女人。)
1. repulsive
The smell from the garbage bin was repulsive.(垃圾桶发出的气味令人厌恶。)
柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary)解释:
1. 形容词 alluring
2. 名词 alluring
牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary)解释:
1. 形容词 alluring
1. 形容词 alluring
The alluring scent of the flowers filled the garden.(花朵散发出诱人的香气,弥漫在花园中。)
Her alluring voice captivated the audience.(她迷人的嗓音迷住了观众。)
be alluring to sb/sth:对某人/某事物有吸引力
例句:The idea of adventure is alluring to many people.(冒险的想法对许多人都很吸引。)
2. 名词 alluring
The alluring of fame can lead people down a dangerous path.(名利的诱惑可以让人走上危险的道路。)
He was unable to resist the alluring of wealth and indulgence.(他无法抵抗财富和享乐的诱惑。)
- The alluring fragrance of the flowers filled the air.(花朵散发出迷人的芳香,充满了空气。)
- She has an alluring smile that brightens up the room.(她有一个迷人的微笑,照亮了整个房间。)
- His alluring charm attracts people from all walks of life.(他迷人的魅力吸引了各行各业的人。)
- The alluring beauty of the sunset left us speechless.(夕阳的迷人美景让我们目瞪口呆。)
- The alluring prospect of a new job tempted him to quit his current one.(新工作的诱人前景使他动心想辞职。)
- She used her alluring personality to win over the judges.(她利用她迷人的个性赢得了评委的青睐。)
- Many people find the idea of traveling to exotic locations alluring.(许多人觉得去异国他乡旅行的想法很有吸引力。)
- The alluring of wealth and luxury can lead people astray.(财富和奢华的诱惑力可以使人误入歧途。)
- He could not resist the alluring temptation of the forbidden fruit.(他无法抵挡禁果的诱人诱惑。)
- Her alluring voice captivated the audience and left them wanting more.(她迷人的嗓音迷住了观众,让他们欲罢不能。)
- The city's alluring nightlife is one of its main attractions.(这座城市迷人的夜生活是它的主要吸引力之一。)
- The alluring of fame can lead people to do things they never thought they would.(名利的诱惑可以使人做出他们从未想过的事情。)
- She used her alluring beauty to manipulate others for her own gain.(她利用她迷人的美貌来操纵他人以谋取私利。)
- The alluring qualities of the job made it difficult for him to turn it down.(这份工作具有诱人的特质,让他难以拒绝。)
- She used her alluring personality to get what she wanted.(她利用她迷人的个性来获得自己想要的东西。)
- Her alluring smile captured the hearts of everyone in the room.(她迷人的微笑俘获了房间里每个人的心。)
- He fell under the alluring spell of her enchanting eyes.(他沉迷于她迷人的眼神之中。)
- The alluring melody of the music filled the concert hall.(音乐中迷人的旋律充满了音乐厅。)
- He was drawn to her alluring beauty and couldn't take his eyes off her.(他被她迷人的美貌所吸引,眼睛无法离开她。)
- The alluring scent of her perfume lingered in the air.(她香水的迷人香气在空气中萦绕。)
- Her alluring eyes seemed to hold a thousand secrets.(她迷人的眼神似乎隐藏着千万个秘密。)