- 完成的 (finished)
- 完整的 (whole or entire)
- 结尾的 (final or concluding)
- 补充的 (supplementary or additional)
- 完成 (act of finishing or accomplishing)
- 完工 (act of completing construction or a task)
- 结尾 (end or conclusion)
- 补充 (addition or supplement)
"Completing" and "finishing" are often used interchangeably, but "completing" implies the action of bringing something to a whole or final state, while "finishing" refers to the final touches or details of a task or project.
词汇扩充(Vocabulary Expansion):
Related terms: accomplish, achieve, conclude, end, fulfill, finalize, perfect, terminate, wrap up
conclude, finish, accomplish, achieve, fulfill, execute, finalize, effectuate, perfect, end, terminate
begin, start, initiate, commence
柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary):
Completing (adjective) - Making something whole or finished.
Completing (noun) - The action or process of completing something.
Completing (idiom) - The final stage in a process or task.
牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary):
Completing (adjective) - Bringing something to an end or to a finished state.
Completing (noun) - The action or process of completing something.
Completing (verb) - Making a whole by adding or combining parts.
- I am completing my assignment before the deadline. (adjective)
- The completing part of the project requires attention to detail. (adjective)
- The completing of this puzzle was quite challenging. (noun)
- The construction crew is completing the final touches on the building. (verb)
例句(Example Sentences):
- I am completing my thesis on time. 我按时完成了我的论文。
- The artist spent hours completing the painting. 画家花了几个小时来完成这幅画。
- She is completing her education by taking online courses. 她通过参加在线课程来完成她的学业。
- The completing stage of the project involves finalizing the documentation. 项目的最后阶段涉及到最后确定文档。
- He is completing the final chapter of his novel. 他正在完成他小说的最后一章。
- The completing touches on the sculpture made it truly remarkable. 对这座雕塑的最后润色使其真正令人惊叹。
- After completing the race, she collapsed from exhaustion. 完赛后,她因为精疲力竭而倒下。
- Please fill in the form by completing all the required fields. 请通过填写所有必填字段来完成表格。
- The completing of the project was a significant achievement. 项目的完成是一个重大的成就。
- He needs assistance in completing the task. 他需要帮助来完成这个任务。
- The completing of the puzzle revealed the hidden image. 拼图的完成揭示了隐藏的图像。
- She is completing her training to become a certified yoga instructor. 她正在完成成为一名认证瑜伽教练的培训。
- With the completing of the bridge, the city's transportation system improved. 随着桥梁的建成,城市的交通系统得到了改善。
- He is completing his collection of rare stamps. 他正在完成他的稀有邮票收藏。
- The completing of the merger resulted in a larger company. 合并的完成导致了一个更大的公司。
- Please bring the completing documents to the meeting. 请把相关的文件带到会议上。
- She is completing her final year of study. 她正在完成她的最后一年学习。
- The completing of the project was celebrated with a party. 项目的完成以一个派对来庆祝。
- I am completing the last few chapters of the book. 我正在完成这本书的最后几章。
- The completing of the experiment confirmed the hypothesis. 实验的完成证实了假设。
- He is completing his training to become a pilot. 他正在完成成为一名飞行员的训练。