1. 谦卑的;谦逊的;虚心的:
He has received many honors, but he still maintains a humble attitude.
2. 被羞辱的;受辱的:
She felt humbled and discouraged.
1. 谦卑;谦逊;虚心:
He always treats others with humility.
2. 屈辱;耻辱:
This failure brought him an immense sense of humiliation.
1. humble oneself: 谦卑自己;屈服自己
2. humility: 谦卑;谦逊
3. humbleness: 谦卑;谦逊
4. humbling: 令人谦卑的;令人谦逊的
5. humiliated: 被羞辱的;受辱的
1. modest: 谦虚的;适度的
2. meek: 温顺的;谦虚的
3. lowly: 卑微的;地位低下的
4. submissive: 顺从的;服从的
1. proud: 骄傲的;自豪的
2. arrogant: 傲慢的;自大的
3. conceited: 自负的;自大的
4. self-important: 自以为是的;自大的
humbled: adj. 谦逊的;虚心的
1. If someone is humbled, they have been made to feel less important or proud, especially by something that has happened to them. (尤指由于遭受某种打击而)感到自卑的,感到丧失自尊的
2. If you are humbled by something, it makes you realize that you are not as important or significant as you thought. 使认识到自己的渺小和微不足道
humbled: adj. 谦逊的;谦卑的
1. Having or showing a modest or low estimate of one's importance. 谦虚的;自谦的
2. Lower (someone) in dignity or importance. 使谦卑;使卑下
1. I felt humbled by their generosity. (我感到他们的慷慨使我感到谦卑。)
2. He humbled himself before his superiors. (他在上司面前谦卑自己。)
3. The defeat was a humbling experience for the team. (这次失败使团队深感屈辱。)
- She humbly accepted the award and thanked her colleagues. (她谦卑地接受了奖项并感谢了她的同事。)
- He was brought up in a humble family. (他在一个普通家庭中长大。)
- We should remain humble even in times of success. (即使在成功时,我们也应该保持谦逊。)
- She felt humiliated by their rude comments. (她因他们的粗鲁评论而感到受辱。)
- The defeat humbled him and made him reflect on his mistakes. (这次失败使他谦卑,并让他反思自己的错误。)
- His humility and kindness won the respect of everyone around him. (他的谦逊和善良赢得了周围每个人的尊重。)
- After achieving great success, he remained humble and down-to-earth. (在取得巨大成功后,他仍然保持谦逊和脚踏实地。)
- The experience of failure humbled him and made him more empathetic towards others. (失败的经历使他谦卑,并使他对他人更加有同理心。)
- She was humbled by the beauty of nature. (自然的美景使她感到谦卑。)
- The team's defeat was a humbling experience that taught them valuable lessons. (团队的失败是一个令人谦卑的经历,教给他们宝贵的教训。)
- He humbled himself before the judge and begged for mercy. (他在法官面前谦卑自己,恳求宽恕。)
- The humbleness of the old man touched everyone's heart. (老人的谦逊触动了每个人的心。)
- She was humbled by the support and love shown to her during difficult times. (在困难时期,她所感受到的支持和爱使她谦卑。)
- His arrogant behavior was humbled by the failure he experienced. (他傲慢的行为因为他的失败而变得谦卑。)
- They humbled themselves before the gods and prayed for forgiveness. (他们在神明面前谦卑自己,祈求宽恕。)
- Her success humbled those who had doubted her abilities. (她的成功使那些曾怀疑她能力的人感到谦卑。)
- He felt a sense of humbleness when confronted with the vastness of the universe. (面对浩瀚的宇宙,他感到一种谦卑。)
- She was humiliated by the public humiliation she faced. (她因所受到的公开羞辱而感到受辱。)
- His humbling experience made him realize the importance of empathy and compassion. (他的谦逊经历使他意识到同理心和怜悯的重要性。)
- He humbled himself and apologized for his mistakes. (他谦卑自己并为自己的错误道歉。)
- They were humbled by the beauty of the ancient ruins. (他们被古老废墟的美所谦卑。)