形容词:- venting(形容词):通风的,透气的
- venting(名词):排气,排放
- venting(名词):发泄,宣泄
- vent vs. air hole:vent指的是任何用于排气、排放或通风的开口,常指装置上的出气口;air hole特指设备或容器上的通气孔。
- vent vs. outlet:vent是指通向外部的出口或排气口,特指气体或液体的排放;outlet是指从容器或设备中流出的液体或气体的出口。
- ventilation(名词):通风,空气流通
- ventilator(名词):通风设备,呼吸机
- ventilating(形容词):通风的
- release(动词):释放
- discharge(动词):排放
- exhaust(动词):排放,排出
- contain(动词):包含,容纳
- restrain(动词):控制,约束
vent (noun)
- A vent is a hole in something through which air can come in and smoke, gas, or smells can go out.
- A vent is a pipe or valve through which waste gases can escape from a factory or other building.
- If you give vent to your feelings, you express them forcefully.
vent (verb)
- If you vent your feelings, you express them forcefully.
- If you vent smoke, gas, or smells, or if they vent, they are released into the air.
vent (noun)
- An opening that allows air, gas, or liquid to pass out of or into a confined space.
- A means of escape or release from confinement; an outlet.
- The expression or release of a strong emotion, energy, etc.
vent (verb)
- Give free expression to (a strong emotion).
- Relieve oneself of (an emotion).
- Express (one's thoughts or opinions), especially forcefully.
1. She opened the window to vent the room.
2. The factory has a vent for releasing waste gases.
3. He gave vent to his anger by shouting at them.
4. She vented her frustration by hitting a pillow.
5. The article vents the author's strong opinions on the matter.
1. The room has a vent to allow air circulation.
2. The car's exhaust vents harmful gases into the atmosphere.
3. She couldn't hold back her anger any longer and vented it on her coworkers.
4. After a long, frustrating day, he vented his feelings by yelling into a pillow.
5. The article vents the author's strong opinions on the current political situation.
6. The room lacks proper ventilation, causing a stuffy atmosphere.
7. The building's ventilator malfunctioned, leading to poor air quality.
8. She released her emotions by writing them down in her journal.
9. The factory discharges its waste into the river, causing pollution.
10. He exhausted all possible options before making a decision.
11. The container has a vent to release pressure.
12. The anger he had bottled up for years finally found a vent.
13. The company needs to find a more efficient outlet for its products.
14. She gave vent to her frustration by going for a long run.
15. The speaker vented his criticisms of the government's policies.
16. The volcano vented a plume of ash into the sky.
17. The pressure cooker has a safety vent to prevent explosions.
18. The protesters vented their anger by burning tires in the street.
19. He vented his frustration by screaming into a pillow.
20. The article vents the author's strong opinions on the matter.