1. epithet [ɪˈpɪθɪt]:形容词,用于描述某人或某物的特征或性质。例句:
1. She was known for her epithet as "The Iron Lady". 她因被称为“铁娘子”而闻名。
2. The town earned an epithet as "The City of Lights". 城镇因其被称为“灯火辉煌的城市”而获得了美誉。
1. epithet [ˈɛpɪθɪt]:名词,用于描述某人或某物的特征或性质。例句:
1. His nickname "Old Hickory" became an enduring epithet. 他的绰号“老山核桃”成为了一个持久的代称。
2. The author skillfully used epithets to create vivid imagery. 作者巧妙地使用了描写词来营造生动的意象。
- epithet 和 nickname 的区别:这两个词都可以用来描述某人或某物的特征或性质。然而,epithet 更加正式和文学化,常用于形容人或事物的特点,有时具有贬义或嘲讽的意味;而nickname 则是指给予某人或某物的别名,通常是一种亲昵或玩笑的称呼。
- epithetical [ˌɛpɪˈθɛtɪkəl]:形容词,表示与或含有 epithet 相关的。例句:
1. The poem is filled with epithetical phrases that enhance its lyrical quality. 这首诗中充满了凸显其抒情特质的描写词句。
2. The author's epithetical use of language adds depth to the character descriptions. 作者对语言的运用增添了对人物的深度描绘。
- descriptor [dɪˈskrɪptər]:名词,表示用于描述某人或某物特点的词语。反义词
- term of endearment:名词,表示表示亲昵的称呼。柯林斯词典
- epithet:A person's or thing's epithet is a short phrase that is often repeated and becomes popular, which is used to describe them or their characteristics.例句:
1. He was known by the epithet 'Gorgeous George'.
2. The name 'Maggie Thatcher' became an epithet.
- epithet:An adjective or phrase expressing a quality or attribute regarded as characteristic of the person or thing mentioned.例句:
1. 'Old Red Socks' is a favourite epithet of his fans.
2. The epithet 'Father of the Nation' is often used to refer to Mahatma Gandhi.
- 当用作形容词时,epithet 通常用作前置定语,描述人或事物的特征或性质。当用作名词时,epithet 可以作为主语、宾语或补语,描述人或事物的特征或性质。相关例句
1. The poet used the epithet "golden" to describe the sunset. 诗人使用了描写词“金色”来形容日落。2. The boxer's epithet "The Greatest" reflected his outstanding skills. 拳击手的绰号“最伟大的”反映了他出色的技巧。
3. The film director earned the epithet "Master of Suspense" for his thrilling movies. 这位电影导演因他扣人心弦的电影而获得了“悬疑大师”的称号。
4. The politician's constant use of the epithet "crooked" damaged his opponent's reputation. 政治家不断使用“狡猾”的描写词损害了对手的声誉。
5. The city is often referred to by its epithet "The Big Apple". 这座城市常以其别名“大苹果”被提及。
6. The novel's protagonist is given the epithet "The Chosen One" due to his extraordinary abilities. 小说的主人公因其非凡的能力被赋予了绰号“被选者”。
7. The epithet "Braveheart" was given to the legendary Scottish warrior William Wallace. 传奇的苏格兰勇士威廉·华莱士被赋予了绰号“勇敢的心”。
8. The singer's stage name became an epithet associated with her powerful voice. 这位歌手的艺名成为与她强大嗓音相关的代称。
9. The author's use of epithets adds depth and color to the characters in the story. 作者对描写词的运用为故事中的人物增添了深度和色彩。
10. The athlete's epithet "The Speedster" accurately describes his lightning-fast sprinting ability. 运动员的绰号“飞人”准确地描述了他闪电般的短跑能力。
11. The epithetical phrase "the land of opportunity" has long been associated with America. 描述词组“机会之地”长期以来与美国联系在一起。
12. The comedian's epithet "The King of Comedy" reflects his unmatched talent for making people laugh. 这位喜剧演员的绰号“喜剧之王”反映了他无与伦比的让人发笑的天赋。
13. The author's use of derogatory epithets in the book sparked controversy. 作者在书中使用贬义描写词引发了争议。
14. The epithet "The Dark Lord" is often used to refer to the villain in the fantasy series. 绰号“黑暗领主”通常用来指代奇幻系列中的反派角色。
15. The politician's opponents often resort to using epithets to attack his character. 政治家的对手经常诉诸使用描写词来攻击他的品格。
16. The novel's protagonist is given the epithet "The Lone Wolf" due to his solitary nature. 小说的主人公因其孤独的天性被赋予了绰号“独行侠”。
17. The poem is filled with beautiful epithets that enhance the imagery. 这首诗中充满了美丽的描写词,增强了意象。
18. The author's liberal use of epithets gives the book a poetic quality. 作者大量使用描写词给予了这本书一种诗意的特质。
19. The character's epithet "The Wise" reflects his profound wisdom and knowledge. 人物的绰号“智者”反映了他的深邃智慧和知识。
20. The town's epithet "The Pearl of the Orient" highlights its beauty and cultural significance. 城镇的别名“东方明珠”突出了其美丽和文化意义。