1. 已绘制地图的;已标示的英文释义:charted; delineated
例句:The mapped route showed all the major landmarks. 2. 映射的;相对应的
英文释义:corresponding; matched
例句:The mapped data revealed a clear correlation between the two variables.
1. 地图英文释义:map
例句:He unfolded the large, detailed mapped of the city. 2. 映射
例句:The software uses a complex algorithm for the mapped of DNA sequences.
1. map vs. chart"map"强调地理位置和地形特征,而"chart"更多指航海图、天文图等。
例句:She used a map to navigate through the forest, and a chart to plot the course of the ship. 2. map vs. plan
例句:He used a map to find his way to the hotel, and a plan to organize his schedule for the day.
1. 形容词1) If an area is mapped, it has been studied or surveyed and a map has been made of it.
例句:The seabed was mapped by the British Navy. 2) In computing, a mapped file or mapped memory is a file or area of memory that has been associated with a particular file or storage device.
例句:The program uses a mapped file to store temporary data. 2. 名词
1) A map is a drawing of a particular area, for example of a country or continent, which shows its main features as lines, shapes, or figures.
例句:He spread a large map out on the table. 2) Mapping is the activity or process of making maps.
例句:The mapping of the coastline took many months.
1. 形容词1) Represented on or as if on a map.
例句:The mapped area is a mountainous region. 2) (of a memory or storage device) associated with a particular section of a computer's main memory or storage.
例句:The program uses mapped memory for efficient data access. 2. 名词
1) A diagrammatic representation of an area of land or sea showing physical features, cities, roads, etc.
例句:He studied the map of the city to plan his route. 2) The arrangement or relation of parts or elements of a particular thing.
例句:We need to understand the map of the organization to be more effective.
1. The newly discovered cave was meticulously mapped by the exploration team.这个新发现的洞穴被勘探队精确地绘制了地图。 2. The satellite data was used to map the density of vegetation in the region.
卫星数据被用来绘制该地区植被的密度。 3. The mapped route guided us through the scenic countryside.
绘制的路线引导我们穿越了风景如画的乡村。 4. The software allows you to map your own custom keyboard shortcuts.
这款软件可以让你映射自定义的键盘快捷键。 5. The architect mapped out the floor plan for the new office building.
建筑师为新办公楼绘制了楼层平面图。 6. The company plans to map their expansion strategy for the next five years.
公司计划为未来五年绘制扩张战略。 7. The population density was mapped onto a series of charts and graphs.
人口密度被映射到了一系列的图表中。 8. The neural network was used to map the relationship between input and output data.
神经网络被用来映射输入和输出数据之间的关系。 9. The team mapped the distribution of the endangered species in the national park.
该团队绘制了国家公园内濒危物种的分布情况。 10. The geologist mapped the rock formations in the area to understand its geological history.
地质学家绘制了该地区的岩石构造,以了解其地质历史。 11. The mapped area highlighted the regions prone to flooding.
绘制的地区突出了易受洪水侵袭的地区。 12. The GPS device can map your exact location in real-time.
GPS设备可以实时标示你的精确位置。 13. The team used satellite imagery to map the changes in land use over time.
该团队利用卫星图像绘制了随时间变化的土地利用情况。 14. The geneticist mapped the specific gene responsible for the inherited disorder.
遗传学家绘制了导致遗传性疾病的具体基因。 15. The company is working on mapping the human brain to better understand its functions.
该公司正在研究对人脑进行映射,以更好地了解其功能。 16. The cartographer meticulously mapped the unexplored region, creating a detailed map.
制图师精确地绘制了未被探索的地区,制作出了详细的地图。 17. The mapped data showed a clear pattern of population distribution in the urban area.
绘制的数据显示了城市地区人口分布的清晰模式。 18. The archaeologist mapped the ancient ruins, revealing the layout of the lost city.
考古学家绘制了古代遗迹,揭示了失落城市的布局。 19. The app allows you to map the route for your road trip, including gas stations and rest areas.
这款应用程序可以为你的公路旅行绘制路线,包括加油站和休息区。 20. The architect used computer software to map the lighting design for the building.