中英词典 - bemoan
1. 名词
bemoan ['bɪˈməʊn] (plural bemoanings) 意义:悲叹,悔恨2. 形容词
bemoaned ['bɪˈməʊnd] 意义:受到悲痛或懊悔的3. 动词
bemoan [bɪˈməʊn] 意义:为...而悲叹,抱怨,哀叹 bemoaning [bɪˈməʊnɪŋ] 相关词汇扩充: - bemoaningly [bɪˈməʊnɪŋli] 带着悲痛地,抱怨地 词语辨析: - bemoan 侧重表达对不幸、失败或损失的悲痛和懊悔之情,通常强调情感上的反应。 近义词: - lament - mourn - bewail 反义词: - celebrate - rejoice柯林斯词典
bemoan (verb) - If you bemoan something, you express sorrow or dissatisfaction about it. - 例句: 1. He bemoaned the fact that only 5% of the budget was allocated to health care. 2. She bemoaned the loss of her favorite necklace. 3. The fans bemoaned their team's defeat.牛津词典
bemoan (verb) - Express discontent or sorrow over (something). - 例句: 1. The old man bemoaned the loss of the village. 2. She bemoaned the lack of support from her colleagues. 3. The citizens bemoaned the government's inaction. 用法: - bemoan + noun - bemoan + that clause - bemoan + the fact/loss/lack/etc. - bemoan + somebody/something中英例句对照:
- I bemoaned the fact that I had wasted so much time. (我为我浪费了这么多时间而悔恨。)
- She bemoaned the loss of her beloved dog. (她对自己心爱的狗狗的失去感到悲痛。)
- The villagers bemoaned the destruction caused by the storm. (村民们为暴风雨造成的破坏而悲叹。)
- He bemoaned the lack of funding for education. (他对教育资金的不足感到抱怨。)
- She bemoaned her failed attempts to find a job. (她对找工作的失败尝试感到懊悔。)
- The fans bemoaned their team's defeat. (球迷们对他们的球队失败感到悲伤。)
- He bemoaned the state of politics in the country. (他对该国的政治状况感到悲叹。)
- She bemoaned the lack of support from her friends. (她对朋友们的支持缺乏感到抱怨。)
- The citizens bemoaned the government's inaction. (市民们对政府的无所作为感到不满。)
- He bemoaned the fact that only a few people showed up for the event. (他为只有几个人参加活动感到遗憾。)
- She bemoaned the loss of her favorite book. (她为她最喜欢的书的丢失感到悲痛。)
- They bemoaned the decline of traditional values. (他们对传统价值观的衰落感到悲叹。)
- He bemoaned the fact that no one listened to his ideas. (他为没人听他的想法而感到懊悔。)
- The employees bemoaned the company's decision to cut salaries. (员工们对公司减薪的决定表示不满。)
- She bemoaned the lack of opportunities for career advancement. (她对职业发展机会的缺乏感到抱怨。)
- The teacher bemoaned the students' lack of motivation. (老师对学生们缺乏动力感到悲叹。)
- He bemoaned the fact that his favorite TV show was canceled. (他为他最喜欢的电视节目被取消感到悲痛。)
- She bemoaned the loss of her childhood innocence. (她对童年的天真丧失感到悲伤。)
- The poet bemoaned the state of the world in his poems. (诗人在他的诗中对世界的状况进行了哀叹。)
- He bemoaned the fact that nobody understood his art. (他为没有人理解他的艺术而感到懊悔。)
- She bemoaned the lack of progress in the peace negotiations. (她对和平谈判的进展缓慢感到抱怨。)