1. 混杂的;五颜六色的 - 中文翻译:混合的;杂色的 - 词语辨析:motley形容一种混合了不同颜色、材料或成分的东西,强调多样性和丰富性。与multicolored(多色的)和varied(各种各样的)含义相似,但motley更强调混合的程度和多样性的范围。 - 词汇扩充:multicolored, varied - 近义词:diverse, assorted - 反义词:uniform, monochrome - 柯林斯词典定义:consisting of various types or elements that are unrelated or incompatible - 牛津词典定义:incongruously varied in appearance or character; disparate 2. 五颜六色衣服的 - 中文翻译:杂色服装的 - 词语辨析:motley用来形容五颜六色、各种各样的服装。通常指戏剧或嘉年华中杂耍演员穿的花哨服装。 - 词汇扩充:multicolored clothing - 柯林斯词典定义:a motley collection of things is a mixture of very different things - 牛津词典定义:clothing made of fabric of various colors名词
1. 杂色衣服的演员 - 中文翻译:杂色服装演员 - 词语辨析:motley指的是戏剧或嘉年华中穿着花哨、五颜六色衣服的杂耍演员。 - 词汇扩充:jester, harlequin - 柯林斯词典定义:a motley is a jester's costume, usually made of brightly coloured cloth - 牛津词典定义:a jester's costume, typically consisting of a bright multicolored tunic with a cap and bells 2. 混合物;杂烩 - 中文翻译:混合物;混杂 - 词语辨析:motley用作名词指混合物、混杂的事物。 - 词汇扩充:mixture, medley - 柯林斯词典定义:a motley is a mixture of different things which do not seem to belong together - 牛津词典定义:a varied mixture例句
- The garden was filled with motley flowers of all shapes and sizes. (这个花园中种满了各种形状和大小的杂色花朵。)
- We were surprised to see a motley group of tourists at the historical site. (我们惊讶地看到一个五花八门的游客团在历史遗址上。)
- The circus performers wore motley costumes that dazzled the audience. (马戏团的演员穿着花哨的杂色服装,令观众眼花缭乱。)
- His motley collection of books ranged from classics to science fiction novels. (他杂乱的书集包括了从经典著作到科幻小说的各种类型。)
- The party was a motley of music, dancing, and laughter. (这个聚会是音乐、舞蹈和笑声的混合。)
- The motley group of young artists collaborated on a unique art exhibition. (年轻艺术家的混合团队合作举办了一场独特的艺术展览。)
- His motley appearance made him stand out in the crowd. (他杂乱的外表使他在人群中脱颖而出。)
- The motley ensemble of musicians played a lively tune. (各色乐手组成的乐团演奏了一支欢快的曲子。)
- She wore a motley scarf that added a pop of color to her outfit. (她戴着一条杂色围巾,为她的服装增添了一抹色彩。)
- Despite their motley backgrounds, the team worked together harmoniously. (尽管背景各异,这个团队协同工作得很和谐。)
- The motley of flavors in the dish created a unique taste sensation. (这道菜的各种风味组合营造出独特的口感。)
- The motley of voices in the crowd made it difficult to hear the speaker. (人群中的各种声音使得听到演讲者的声音变得困难。)
- The motley of ideas presented during the meeting sparked a lively discussion. (会议上提出的各种各样的观点引发了一场热烈的讨论。)
- The motley of emotions on her face betrayed her true feelings. (她脸上五颜六色的情绪泄露了她真正的感受。)
- He dressed up as a motley for the costume party and entertained everyone with his tricks. (在化妆舞会上,他扮成了一个杂色服装演员,用他的特技娱乐了每个人。)
- The motley of ingredients in the recipe created a delicious and unique dish. (这个食谱中的各种食材调配出一道美味独特的菜肴。)
- The motley of personalities in the office often led to conflicts. (办公室里各种各样的个性常常导致冲突。)
- She collected a motley of seashells from different beaches around the world. (她从世界各地的不同海滩收集了五花八门的贝壳。)
- The motley of flavors in the dish created a unique taste sensation. (这道菜的各种风味组合营造出独特的口感。)
- The motley of voices in the crowd made it difficult to hear the speaker. (人群中的各种声音使得听到演讲者的声音变得困难。)