spines [spaɪnz]
- spineless - 没有骨气的,软弱无能的
- spiny - 多刺的,有刺的
- spine - 脊柱,脊梁骨
- thorny part - 刺,刺状物
- book spine - 书脊
- backbone - 中坚,骨干,支柱
spine 和 backbone 都可以表示“支柱”或“骨干”的意思。但 spine 更多地指代物体的实际骨干,比如人体的脊柱,而 backbone 则更倾向于比喻性的意义,表示对某事物的支持或关键部分。
- spinescent - 有刺的,长有刺的
- spinelessness - 没有骨气,懦弱
prickle, thorn, barb, spike
smooth, soft
- NOUN A person's or animal's spine is the row of bones down the middle of their back.
- NOUN The spine of a book is the edge of it which is usually stiff and where the pages are stuck together.
- NOUN If you say that someone has a particular number of books or records in their collection, you can refer to this number as their spine.
- NOUN The series of vertebrae extending from the skull to the small of the back, enclosing the spinal cord and providing support for the thorax and abdomen; the backbone.
- NOUN The rigid central part of a book, extending from the cover to the endpapers, over which the leaves are sewn or glued.
1. The doctor examined my spine to check for any injuries. (名词)
2. He has a collection of over 200 books, but only a few of them have intact spines. (名词)
3. She was criticized for her spineless behavior in the face of adversity. (形容词)
4. The spiny cactus is a common sight in desert regions. (形容词)
- The surgeon carefully removed the tumor from the patient's spine. (外科医生小心地从病人的脊柱上切除了肿瘤。)
- The library has a wide selection of books with damaged spines. (图书馆有大量书脊受损的书籍可供选择。)
- Her collection of classic novels has an impressive number of titles on its spine. (她的经典小说收藏数量庞大,书脊上的书名令人印象深刻。)
- Despite his spiny personality, he is a loyal friend. (尽管他性格刻薄,但他是一个忠诚的朋友。)
- The hedgehog's spines act as a defense mechanism against predators. (刺猬的刺是其对抗捕食者的防御机制。)
- She showed great spine in standing up for her beliefs. (她在捍卫自己的信念时表现出极大的骨气。)
- The spinescent plant thrives in arid environments. (这种多刺植物在干旱环境中茁壮成长。)
- His spinelessness was evident when he backed down from the challenge. (当他在面临挑战时退缩时,他的软弱无能显而易见。)
- The rose bush is covered in thorns and spines. (玫瑰灌木丛上长满了刺和刺状物。)
- The porcupine can defend itself with its sharp spines. (豪猪可以用锋利的刺来自卫。)
- The spine of the book had cracked, causing the pages to come loose. (书的书脊破裂了,导致页码松散。)
- She felt a sharp prick in her thumb as she touched the cactus spine. (当她触摸仙人掌的刺时,她的拇指感到一阵剧痛。)
- The organization's backbone is made up of dedicated volunteers. (该组织的骨干是由献身的志愿者组成的。)
- His strong backbone enabled him to withstand the challenges of his career. (他坚强的骨气使他能够经受住职业生涯中的挑战。)
- The athlete suffered a severe injury to his spine during the competition. (这位运动员在比赛中脊柱严重受伤。)
- She carefully labeled each book with a marker on its spine. (她仔细地在每本书的书脊上用记号做了标记。)
- His bookshelf is filled with volumes that have broken spines. (他的书架上堆满了书脊破裂的书籍。)
- She admired his strength and resilience in the face of adversity. (她钦佩他面对逆境时的坚韧和适应力。)
- The cactus is covered in sharp spines to protect itself from being eaten by animals. (仙人掌上长满了锋利的刺,以保护自己免受动物的吞食。)
- He lacks the spine to confront his fears and take risks. (他没有勇气面对自己的恐惧并冒险尝试。)
- The spiny fish is difficult to handle without protective gloves. (没有防护手套很难处理这种多刺鱼。)