raced (形容词)
1. If something is raced, it is done at great speed. [ADJ]
例句:She was driven home in a raced and nervous manner.
2. If something such as a car or a horse is raced, it is used in a race. [ADJ]
例句:The horses raced each other round the track.
raced (名词)
1. A race is a competition to see who is fastest, for example in running, swimming, or driving. [NOUN]
例句:The race was won by American Carl Lewis.
2. If you say that someone or something is in a race against time, you mean that there is not much time left in which to achieve something, and success is uncertain. [NOUN]
例句:He is in a race against time to complete the project.
raced (形容词)
1. (of a horse or athlete) engaged in a race or races.
例句:The horse raced at Cheltenham.
2. Having a rapid or competitive motion or pace. [attributive]
例句:He was driving at a raced speed.
raced (名词)
1. A competition between runners, horses, vehicles, boats, etc., to see which is the fastest in covering a set course.
例句:The prize for winning the race is $100,000.
2. A situation in which individuals or groups compete to achieve a particular thing within a particular period of time.
例句:They are in a race against time to finish the project.
1. 单词 "raced" 可以用作形容词和名词。
2. 作形容词时,它表示快速行驶的或赛跑的。
3. 作名词时,它可以指竞赛或赛跑。
4. "raced" 这个词还可以通过派生词 "racing" 来表示赛马、赛车或竞赛的动作。
- He raced through the streets on his motorcycle. 他骑着摩托车飞速穿梭于街道间。
- The two cars raced neck and neck towards the finish line. 两辆车并驾齐驱冲向终点线。
- She was known for her raced driving style. 她以她的快速驾驶风格而闻名。
- The horse raced past the other competitors. 这匹马飞奔着超过了其他竞争者。
- They organized a raced to raise money for charity. 他们组织了一场竞赛为慈善机构筹款。
- The marathon raced took place in the city center. 马拉松比赛在市中心举行。
- He is always in a raced against time to meet his deadlines. 他总是在与时间赛跑,以满足他的截止日期。
- The company is facing a raced to complete the project before the deadline. 公司正面临着在截止日期之前完成项目的竞赛。
- The Formula One car raced around the track. 这辆一级方程式赛车在赛道上飞驰。
- She raced ahead of the other runners and won the gold medal. 她超过其他选手,赢得了金牌。
- The cyclist raced downhill at an incredible speed. 自行车手以惊人的速度飞驰而下。
- He raced his car against his friend's in a friendly competition. 他和他的朋友进行了一场友好的比赛。
- The horse raced well and finished in second place. 这匹马表现出色,以第二名的成绩完成比赛。
- They enjoyed a day at the race track, watching the horses raced. 他们在赛马场度过了一天,观看赛马。
- She is a professional racer and has won many races. 她是一名职业赛车手,赢得了很多比赛。
- In the Olympic Games, athletes from different countries raced against each other. 在奥运会上,来自不同国家的运动员相互竞争。
- He raced to catch the last train home. 他飞奔着去赶末班回家的火车。
- The car raced through the streets, narrowly avoiding pedestrians. 这辆车飞驰在街道上,险些避开行人。
- The two teams raced to complete the project first. 两个团队争相完成项目。
- She raced against the clock to finish her assignment on time. 她为了按时完成任务而与时间赛跑。
- He raced his bike down the hill, feeling the wind in his face. 他骑着自行车沿山坡飞驰,感受到了风吹过脸庞。