- felling: 伐木的,砍伐的
- felling: 伐木,砍伐
- felling: 指砍伐树木的动作或过程
- deforestation: 指砍伐森林,使之成为荒地的行为
- logging: 指伐木业,包括伐木、运输和加工木材的全过程
- fell: 动词,指砍伐树木
- deforest: 动词,指砍伐森林
- logger: 名词,指伐木工人
- chopping
- cutting
- reforestation
- afforestation
felling: noun, The felling of trees is the cutting of trees in order to use them for building materials or fuel.
felling: noun, The action of cutting down trees.
felling: Felling is often used in the context of forestry, timber production, or deforestation. It refers to the act of cutting down trees, usually for commercial purposes.
- Illegal felling of trees is causing significant damage to the environment. (非法砍伐树木对环境造成了重大破坏。)
- The felling of the ancient forest sparked outrage among environmentalists. (对古老森林的砍伐引发了环保人士的愤怒。)
- Deforestation and excessive felling are leading to the loss of biodiversity. (森林砍伐和过度伐木导致生物多样性的丧失。)
- Logging companies are responsible for the felling and transportation of timber. (伐木公司负责木材的砍伐和运输。)
- The government has implemented strict regulations to control illegal felling. (政府已实施严格的法规来控制非法砍伐。)
- They hired a team of experienced loggers for the felling operation. (他们雇了一支经验丰富的伐木工队进行砍伐作业。)
- Reforestation efforts are being undertaken to counterbalance the felling of trees. (正在进行重新造林工作,以抵消砍伐树木的影响。)
- The felling of the old oak tree saddened the local community. (老橡树的砍伐令当地社区感到悲伤。)
- Illegal felling can result in severe penalties and fines. (非法砍伐可能会导致严厉的处罚和罚款。)
- The felling of trees for agricultural expansion is a major issue in many developing countries. (为了农业扩张而砍伐树木是许多发展中国家面临的重大问题。)
- They organized a campaign to protest against the felling of the rainforest. (他们组织了一场活动来抗议砍伐热带雨林的行为。)
- The felling of the last remaining trees in the area marked the end of an era. (该地区最后剩余树木的砍伐标志着一个时代的结束。)
- Environmental activists are calling for a ban on commercial felling in protected areas. (环保活动人士呼吁禁止在保护区进行商业砍伐。)
- Excessive felling of trees can lead to soil erosion and loss of habitat for wildlife. (过度砍伐树木会导致土壤侵蚀和野生动物栖息地的丧失。)
- The felling of the giant redwoods is a tragedy that cannot be undone. (巨型红杉的砍伐是一场无法挽回的悲剧。)
- The company has a sustainable forestry policy that ensures responsible felling practices. (该公司有一项可持续的林业政策,确保负责任的砍伐实践。)
- The felling of trees must be done carefully to avoid damage to surrounding vegetation. (砍伐树木必须小心进行,以避免对周围植被的破坏。)
- The government has imposed a temporary ban on felling in order to protect endangered species. (政府已暂时禁止砍伐,以保护濒危物种。)
- The felling of the forest has led to the displacement of indigenous communities. (森林的砍伐导致土著社区的迁移。)
- Efforts are being made to promote sustainable felling practices in the timber industry. (正在努力推广木材行业的可持续砍伐实践。)