1. psychological [adjective] 心理的;心灵的;精神的【名词】
1. soul [noun] 灵魂;心灵;精神 2. mind [noun] 心灵;心智;思想 3. self [noun] 自我;个人;本我 4. inner self [noun] 内心;内在;内在的自我【词语辨析】
psyche, soul, mind, self, inner self这些词经常在描述人类内心和精神层面时使用,但它们在意义和用法上有一些细微差别。
1. psyche 是一个更加抽象和整体性的词,指的是一个人完整的心灵和精神的实体。它强调人的内在和深层的心理状态。 2. soul 是指人的精神和心灵的不朽部分,相信有些人在死后会继续存在。它还可以表示人的感情和情感。 3. mind 通常指人的思维和智力能力,是人类思考、记忆和理解的中心。 4. self 是指一个人独特的个人身份和本质,包括人的价值观、意识和意识形态。 5. inner self 指的是一个人内心深处的真实自我,与外界的表面形象相对应。【词汇扩充】
1. psyche
1. psyche
- Her research focuses on the human psyche and its relationship with behavior. (她的研究集中在人类的心灵及其与行为的关系上。)
- He has a very strong psyche and can handle stressful situations well. (他的心理承受能力很强,能够处理压力情况。)
- The psyche is a complex and fascinating subject of study. (心灵是一个复杂而迷人的研究对象。)
- Music has the power to touch the depths of the human psyche. (音乐有能力触动人类内心深处。)
- She has a beautiful soul that shines through in everything she does. (她有一颗美丽的灵魂,无论她做什么都能体现出来。)
- The mind is a powerful tool for problem-solving and creativity. (思维是解决问题和创造力的强大工具。)
- He has a brilliant mind and can solve complex puzzles easily. (他头脑聪明,能够轻松解决复杂的难题。)
- She is completely absorbed in her own inner self and rarely opens up to others. (她完全沉浸在自己的内心世界中,很少向他人敞开心扉。)
- Yoga and meditation can help us connect with our inner self and find inner peace. (瑜伽和冥想可以帮助我们与内心深处的自我联系,并找到内心的平静。)
- He is a renowned psychologist who specializes in child development. (他是一位专攻儿童发展的著名心理学家。)
- She sought help from a psychiatrist to deal with her anxiety and depression. (她寻求了一位精神科医生的帮助来处理她的焦虑和抑郁。)
- The psychosomatic symptoms she experienced were caused by stress. (她经历的身心症状是由压力造成的。)